Was told by a Nurse some time back that I wouldn't need another Tetanus innoculation, as it pretty much covers you for life once you've had the course. But I now read in Gardeners Woruld magazine that us Gardeners should have a booster every 10 years as we'm more at risk
Apparently they don't cover us for life Zigs. The last one I had was thirteen years ago and working at a nursery at the time......the garden sort of course!
It depends how old you are and which ones u have Im 27 and apparently the course i had as a child will cover me for life. I had an extra one on top when i started working with animals but it wasnt needed at all apparently But then people who were born earlier and i dnt know what the cut off date is need to have it every 10 years apparently Thats what i have been told by doctors anyway
Judging by some of the rubbish I have found in Levingtons compost I would think we are more at risk. Found a nail the other week!!!
My GP told me they dont do boosters anymore. He said us ordinary people dont qualify, you have to be a farmer. That was about 10 yrs ago when I tried to get one.
I got told the same. When I started working at the cats protection I asked the doctors if I needed a booster & I was told that because I'd had all my boosters when I was younger, I didn't need one, unless I stand barefoot on a rusty nail or something
When I smashed the end of a finger with a sledgehammer covered with muck and got sent to hospital, they refused to give me a booster (contrary to above guidelines?), forgot to give me antibiotics (the surgeons were appalled), kept me waiting for an operation all day then sent me home to come back the next day, the staff forgot to discharge me properly, on discharge they forgot to give me the antibiotics I should have received, oh and when Mrs Scrungee called when in the (pay) car park they misinformed her and said I was being operated on - untrue. The NHS are a complete shambles, the hospitals are full off staff too busy to deal with patients, the car parks too full of staff car parking for those attending appointments to be able to park, and the staff are always too busy wandering around with their ipads to be able to sort out people's problems. An absolute shambles in my opinion.
Not so here Scrungee, on the whole I'm happy with the 'treatment' we get from our hospitals in all respects.
I'm afraid that I was appalled with my late parents' treatment in hospital by the NHS, by my own experiences, and now that of my mother-in-laws. My MIL keeps getting appointments cancelled without any notice, leaving her waiting all day for patient transport with her 24 hrs carer's cancelled, wheelchair hire from local surgery booked leaving her sitting in it all day and nobody turns up to either take her to hospital or look after her. The NHS are so disorganised that they've cancelled her transport for hospital appointments without actually cancelling the appointments, leaving her waiting all day for patient transport that never arrives, what a waste of money. The NHS is a shambles.
I think to say the whole of the nhs is disorganised isn't fair There needs to be improvements and it does need to be run better but not all services are bad and not all hospitals For example the cervical screening programme has been brilliant for me and really efficient and quick and treatment was sorted quickly and appointments and lots of communication and very informative In the same hosp i was admitted with a severe infection on sepsis watch under critical care. I was told over and over again i was gonna have a scan on my kidneys but it never happened because i was admitted on a friday on the change of shifts and even tho i was in four days the scan never happened. I was also suppose to keep up liquid but kept running out of water and found it very hard for the nurses to get me any and found myself waiting for almost an hour which is not what you need when you have a severe kidney infection. Then u get brilliant gps where u can get appointments and then ones where you cant To label it all as disorganised and a shambles tho is a bit unfair.
When a relative misses their fourth attempt at getting to what should be a routine hospital apointment because the patient transport instead takes them to A&E because they mentioned their constipation pains (well documented on their records) and are kept in for 4 days, 2 of which they were without any of their daily medication they took with them, and their GP describes it as a shambles and sent a written complaint, I also feel entitled to call it a shambes. I think I might not have mentioned above about another hospital discharging my relative without informing anybody, nor arranging for her home care to be put back in place, so a patient transport ambulance tried returning them to an empty house. This sort of thing just goes on and on and on, so it's not it's not just some isolated case.