I'd buy a huuuuuge garden,with space for a Fernery ,Stumpery,a lovely walled kitchen garden,greenhouses galore,Squillions of Roses,topiarys,more Buxus than you can chuck a stick at,an Orchard,cor....propagators and grow lights etc,etc,etc... Ooo and a nice potting shed to live in
John, you're showing your age! Or did you read about Lobby in the history books? I remember my father claiming his £5 sometime in the late fifties. That was a lot of money in those days.
Its where you use tree stumps and display the roots and then plant into them Theres one at biddulph grange that i would love to see I like them because they are architectural and kinda spooky lol
I would buy a the best motor home and travel ,making some pegs and heather sprays on the way,and each place I visited would make someones dream come true whilst living mine
Thank you yvonne thats really sweet of you Im not in it to win it tho atm so may never happen lol And wiseowl that sounds so lovely
Am I alone in thinking that the massive prizes on the Lotto & EuroMillions is simply too much for the average, sensible person to cope with ? Looking at the wish-lists above I think that all could be granted on a modest £5 - £10 Million a-a