Computer scam - be aware.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by alex-adam, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. alex-adam

    alex-adam Super Gardener

    Jul 27, 2011
    Linthorpe. N.E. England
    I have been getting a number of calls recently, always a foreign voice:

    " Harro, I am clalling flom the techrical deplartment of Lindows and I would rike to slpeak to the main ruser of the compluter/ raptop / tabret / I-plad / etc."

    The aim is obviously to get hold of your passwords etc.,

    I always tell the caller that I don't have any of these new fangled gadgets - if they get insistent I resort to telling them to " Go forth and multiply" - Rude I know but these calls really p**s me off.

    • Agree Agree x 1
      Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      I deal with these things a bit differently. Depending on my mood when I answer the phone they get a different sort of reception.

      This is one of my conversations with them. I have plenty more and have posted them on here in the past. :)


      “We have a report that you have a virus on your computer.”

      “Oh, dear! I wondered what the cause was. Can you help me?”

      Ahh, you’ve already noticed that you have a virus. Don’t worry we can solve the problem quite easily.”

      “Wonderful!! When will you come round and what are you going to do?”

      “We don’t need to come round. We can do everything from here.”

      “Fantastic! It’s wonderful what modern science can do. How long does it take to work?”

      “Not long. You just have to download some software that we can send to you.”

      “Brilliant! Is this on the National Health? Because I’m a poor old pensioner and can’t afford anything.”

      “There’s only a small charge but it solves all your problems.”

      “Wow! Can it solve my other problems as well?”

      “What are these other problems?”

      “Well, my biggest problem is my back, up to now.”

      “That’s OK, we have some other software to sort out back-up problems.”

      “Great! Well, tell me what to do.”

      “I’ll tell you what to type into your computer and it will show you on the screen what problems you’ve got.”

      “Amazing! Will it tell me how I got this virus?”

      “It’ll show you lots of things that are wrong but we can solve them all.”

      “I always thought that you couldn’t sort out ‘Man-flu’ and that it just had to run its natural course.”

      “Sorry, I don’t understand!”

      “Well, I’m surprised that you can sort out my virus through the computer, but I suppose you don’t want to catch it yourself. Where did you get your medical training?”

      Puzzled voice. “I don’t have any medical training but I’m highly trained in IT.”

      “Oh, if you’re trained in ‘it’ I suppose you’re OK. Do I have to take any pills because I have trouble swallowing?”

      Pause. “I’m not sure I understand!”

      “Well, if you don’t understand then I don’t want any medical help from you!” And I slammed the phone down.
      • Funny Funny x 6
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      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Aah, Cardiff area code then :heehee:
        • Funny Funny x 4
        • Dips

          Dips Total Gardener

          May 10, 2014
          I had my first call of this kind the other day. He tried to tell me i got a virus from a site i had used last week

          Told him he was a liar and was chatting rubbish (may have used a stronger word) and that i hadnt used my computer for weeks

          As i was hanging up i could her him pleading to keep me on the phone

          Also apart from obviously knowing it was a scam. Straight off i told him my number was tps protected and he shouldn't be calling. When he didn't hang up immediately i knew it was dodgy
          • Informative Informative x 1
          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            Don't think tps can stop calls from abroad.
          • Dips

            Dips Total Gardener

            May 10, 2014
            Dunno zigs but most of the calls i do get are from abroad and they always hang up the second they hear it

            I like to see how quickly. sometimes i can get the whole tps protected out then sometimes its just tps but some of them are very quick and have hung up by the time i have said tp
          • alex-adam

            alex-adam Super Gardener

            Jul 27, 2011
            Linthorpe. N.E. England
            • Informative Informative x 1

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