One of the "gardens" of Europe - I have a dream -

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by maksim, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. maksim

    maksim Gardener

    Feb 16, 2010
    Worker in Milan Malpensa Airport
    Castano Primo (Milan), 6 degrees south, 8 degrees
    Italy could be one of the "gardens" of Europe.
    Not the "only one".
    One among "other ones".
    However, compared to the "other ones", Italy is a "garden" with unique enviroments, landscapes and climate.
    They are MEDITERRANEAN enviroments, landscapes and climate.
    Sure enough, it is not the only "mediterranean garden" in Europe.
    For example, also Spain and Greece are "mediterranean gardens" as these countries are mediterranean countries.
    On some respects, Spain, Italy, Greece are not so different one from another.
    However Italy has something unique compared to the other european mediterranean countries:
    Italy has a unique cultural heritage that ranges from the Roman Empire to the Renaissance.
    So, Italy is the "garden" where people can also enjoy a unique and "wide" cultural heritage (think about all the "stuff" that you can find in such cities as Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples, Palermo...).
    Venice is the town sung by William Shakespeare in "The Merchant of Venice".
    But there is a problem.
    Over the last decades, the italians are no longer able to look after their country.
    Italy is a country in decline/decay.
    There was a time when not only the italians were able to look after their country but they were also the most civilized people in Europe.
    This time was 2,000 years ago during the Roman Empire.
    Nowadays the most civilized people in EUROPE are the Anglo-Saxon people (United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, etc.).
    These people are not perfect.
    They have plenty of faults.
    However, in the same way as Churchill said that "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms have been tried", then I say that the Anglo-Saxons people are the worst people in Europe except for all the other european people.
    Now I come to the point.
    Since the italians - on my opinion - are like that "idiot son" that, although it may have some qualities, is averall not able to look after himself, then it would be apreciated if the Anglo-Saxon people became the "legal guardian" of the italians.
    In the same way as a "legal guardian" cares for the personal and property interests of a ward.
    I have a dream:
    if it could be possible, I would be pleased if the english, germans, dutches, danish, swedish, etc. "colonise" Italy so that we the italians could get the benefit of their rule.
    You the english, germans, dutches, danish, swedish, etc. could provide relief works and operate as a welfare state for we the italians and, as a reward for that, you might derive profit or benefit by the usufruct of our mediterranean summer resorts, of our alps winter resorts and of our cultural heritage.
    Think about the income that could derive by the tourism business.
    We the Italians are not able.
    Do it you the Anglo-Saxons for us.
    Then we could "go halves" with each other.
    "Go halves" with you the Anglo-Saxons as a reward of your management and with the italians as Italy is their property.
    I fancy that the Anglo-Saxons could project a tourist business where - for example - the italian beauties such as beaches, mountains, churches, cathedrals and monuments are combined with such facilities as british/german/danish/dutch/swedish local stores/deteilers/supermarkets and local tv/radio broadcasting so that the Anglo-Saxons people/holidaymakers can enjoy Italy without feeling too far away from their country.
    Think about the idea of swiming in the italian warm sea, visiting the italian monuments and, at the same time, being able to watch all the favourite british tv programmes or shop
    in the favourite store to find the favourite british products.
    Think about the idea of having it all.
    Think about the idea of feeling at home and, at the same time, enjoying Italy.
    Nowadays, that's not the picture since, for example, most of the local TV programmes cannot be watched abroad nor by satellite TV neither by internet streaming computer connection.
    I wish for free internet and satellite foreign tv programmes.
    In a sense of Cooperation, they use to say: "bring a bottle" (for example when they meet-up for a party among friends).
    In this case, we could say that the italians would bring their "bottle" (by providing their country with their beaches, their alps and their monuments) that might be enjoyed
    as a reward also by those Anglo-Saxons who would accept to start their "colonisation" of Italy.
    This "symbiotic" cooperation made of a people (the italians) who provide their countries' beauties and a people (the Anglo-Saxons) who provide their business-organization-management skills is MY FANTASY DREAM.
    If that could be accomplished, could it be said: "IT'S A DEAL !" ?

    Here, some part of the "bottle" that could be provide by the italians and that could be "SHARED" with our hyphotetic Anglo-Saxons "settlers".
    Just take a look:




  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Buona Sera Maksim,

    Blimey thats a very big dream you have there, might upset a few people though, "The Family" springs to mind.

    I see what you mean about a land management plan. You have a very beautifull country in an ideal farming environment. A lot could be done to bring it into the 21st century, but you wouldn't want to just sweep all the old ways aside and just turn it into the huge monoculture farms that have sprung up over europe and the usa.

    I have not been to Italia since the 1970s but on a recent visit to Espania I was very immpressed with the amount of small holdings producing a wonderfull variety of locally produced food. I have always felt that this was the way to farm. Why import it when you can grow it yourself ?

    You could consider making full use of the glorious sunshine you have by growing C4 plants like sweet corn, most plants cant use the sun between 10am & 3pm, they just stop producing sugars etc. as its too much for them. A C4 plant carries on harvesting the suns energy during that time.

    I took over the management of my sisters garden a few years ago, she is now self sufficient in vegetables for the summer & has lots of produce frozen & preserved for the winter, as have I.

    Never took over the management of an entire country though, but you have to start somewhere I suppose.

    Give me a few weeks to finish the job i'm on & i'll have a think about it.
  3. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Beautiful photos Maksim, that's a very big question - I'd do it if everyone else helps!
  4. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    Lovely pictures Maksim, but I think we would have to consult our new masters in China - before we could make such a commitment. :doh:
  5. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    like JWK says, I'll do it if everyone helps. :thumb:
    I like your idea.
  6. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    My wish, on the other hand, is that:
    north and south Italy get along with each other and also I would like a cheap, reliable and safe postal system.
  7. maksim

    maksim Gardener

    Feb 16, 2010
    Worker in Milan Malpensa Airport
    Castano Primo (Milan), 6 degrees south, 8 degrees
    Buona Sera ziggy (actually, I should say "Buon giorno" ("Good morning") since I'm replying at 9 in the morning... :)).
    I read your reply.
    Since my english is good but not so good to grasp every technical issue, then I hardly got the whole meaning of your reply.
    For example, when you mention "C4", I guess that you mean "Carbon".
    As we know, Carbon is a base element in life energy since, along with Hydrogen and Oxigen, is one of the elements in the "sugar composition".
    As we know, "sugar" is the "fuel" for life...
    Still, Carbon is also one of the elements in many kinds of fuels such as "methane", "petrol", "oil", "kerosene", etc.
    Anyway, as I said, my good english is "poor" when it comes to grasp technical issues and as a consequence of that I only tried to figure out the meaning of your words.
    I guess that you were problably referring to something related to the idea of using vegetables also as energy suppliers other than food...
    In the same way - for example - as they do in Brazil, where the wheat is grown up also to be converted into fuel for cars...
    Who knows if I properly understand your words or if I'm totally wrong...
    Who knows...
    Then, when you talk about locally produced food, I come with my idea as follows:
    cultural tradition is a good thing but - on my opinion - is something that can make foreign people fed up.
    For example, if I go abroad and I only find the local people with all their local traditions that makes me feel as a "stranger" and that look to me as an "alien", then I feel "upset".
    For this reason, my idea is one of Italy as a place where the english, the germans, the dutch, etc. can also feel "at home" by enjoying all those things of their habits in their own countries (their local stores, their favourite tv programms, their favourite sports events, their newspapers and magazines, their pubs, their friends, etc.).
    After visiting the Rome Coloseum, it should be a good thing being able to alow a rest to our own mind by meeting people of our country or by being able to do all those things that we can do in our country.
    Still, it is good to be in a place that is "neutral" as we are among people of all nationalies and where the local tradition is not prevalent.
    Then we do not feel as "aliens" in a close-minded country but we can meet people of other european countries in an "atmosphere" where none is a "guest".
    That's my idea.

    As far as I would be concerned, I would welcome everyone.
    That's probably not a completely new idea as, for example, in Spain we can already experience that.
    Mallorca, for example, has been colonized by german holydaymakers.
    Benidorm has been colonized by a great deal of british holydaymakers.
    The same things happens with Gran Canaria, Tenerife, etc.
    Also Madeira and Faro (Portugal).
    These places should be an example for Italy.
    And when I think about "colonizaton" I also think about some british and german tour-operators that have done a great job in Spain and Portugal.
    I do not want to mention names not to advertise them.
    I only say that one british tour operator on my mind is named after a british Baptist minister born in Derbyshire in 1808...
    Very difficult question... :D
    I give a hint: his name was "Thomas"... :D
    I would apreciate if "Thomas" would visit also my country...
    Come on Thomas ! Come to Italy ! :D
    A german tour operator on my mind has a three words name.
    I do not want advertise it.
    I only say that the first leter is a "T" and the last one is an "I"...
    Try to guess the letter in the middle... :D

    That's true: Chinese are as many as 1,300,000,000 souls and are the real world masters. Their strenght is their large number and their great "enterprise".

    As far as I would be concerned, all people would be very welcome.

    You could hope for a cheap reliable and safe postal system if it were took over by someone else other than italians...
    As I say, Italy is on many respects a country in decline.
    Also its management is.
    On my opinion, it would be apreciated if it turned out to be something like the "outre-mer" french territories are.
    I mean the idea that companies from England, Germany, etc. would take the rule and look after italian business...
    As far as I would be concerned, Italy should be "ON SALE"... :D

    Bye to everyone ! :thmb:

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