Kathmandu - I've never been. Or have I?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Dec 27, 2014.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I've never been to Kathmandu. I've never even been outside of Europe. I'm not a well travelled person at all really.

    I also don't own my own private supersonic jet.

    Thankfully Nationwide Building Society, or more specifically their clever software, guessed that that's the case.

    I went to buy something off Amazon, using my usual debit card. I knew my balance was unusually healthy, so imagine my surprise when the payment was declined. I tried again, thinking I might have perhaps inadvertently selected an expired card from the list of cards registered with Amazon. Nope, declined again. So I phone the Nationwide to see what was going on.

    My card had been blocked. On further investigation, the nice lady at Nationwide, who I might add was very professional and very rapidly set my mind at ease that I hadn't been wiped out, informed me that somebody had used my card in an ATM in Kathmandu. Their computer system had recognised that it was extraordinarily unlikely to be really me, or my real card, so it had declined the withdrawal request and then killed the card off on suspicion that it had been compromised.

    I'm not sure how clever their software is. Whether it just looks at habits, or whether it also takes into account logistics, so I don't know if it helped me that I made a withdrawal myself in Whitby (not usual for me, seeing as that's where I work) on the same day as this attempted withdrawal in Kathmandu.

    Anyway, the lady on the phone was very good. She assured me that I had lost nothing, and that it was clear that I was the innocent party etc, and that apart from the inconvenience of having no debit card until the new arrives I have not been bothered in any way, and told me that if I need cash in the meantime, in this situation I can name a branch, and they will authorise that branch to give me cash over the counter if I take in some ID. So I did that this morning. When I explained the situation to the lady at the desk, she was lovely too. She was not in the least bit surprised at first, although she was surprised at my mellow and polite attitude towards them. She said they've had loads of these cases over the last few weeks, always with the attempted withdrawal being in Kathmandu or Goa, and that when most people come in to sort in out the first thing they do is kick off at the bank staff for blocking their card. This surprised me. Yes its a bad thing to happen, but its a good thing that the bank blocks the card. I don't know about all the others that kicked off, but I'd rather have the inconvenience of having to actually talk to a human for a whopping 5 minutes of my life, than find that their systems had just allowed any transaction and found that I'd been completely wiped out.

    I was given a useful tip for next time I use a cashpoint. Apparently you should run your fingers along under the lip where you insert your card. If it is smooth, it is probably fine. If it is not smooth, the chances are an illegal device has been inserted which will copy your card details, so you should walk away and report it. Also, if the machine appears to reject your card for no good reason, be suspicious then too, as apparently some of the illegal devices prevent the card from fully inserting, so it goes in, stays for a second or two, and then bounces back out. So if your card does that, don't push it back in and try again, phone the number on the ATM and report it as suspicious.
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    • HarryS

      HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

      Aug 28, 2010
      The mini store near us had their cash machine stolen on Xmas eve . The machine was by the door which was prised open , they put a wire rope around the machine and dragged it out of the shop ! Now I am not a criminal mastermind , but I bet that machine was at its emptiest at the start of the holiday . So maybe they were a little disappointed when they did get in the machine .
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • longk

        longk Total Gardener

        Nov 24, 2011
        The last time that we were in Gran Canaria my card was declined in a restaurant. Sues card worked and whilst she was paying I phoned the card issuer who asked me a few security questions and then told me it was blocked as it was outside of my normal usage patterns. As they were satisfied that it was me it was unblocked.
        Embarrassing but reassuring.
        • Informative Informative x 1
        • mowgley

          mowgley Total Gardener

          Aug 16, 2005
          Wanna be gardener
          Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
          I think it's nationwide policy to block all cards aboard unless you tell them other wise
          If I remember rightly it's in the small print of your account details.
          YOU have to inform the bank via branch/online if you want to use your card aboard.
          I did it via online banking telling them the date, country and duration
          Great customer service at Nationwide I find too
          • Informative Informative x 2
          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Card providers have software that looks for irregularities in the purchases or withdrawals. As I do a lot of travelling (it wasn't me trying to withdraw your money in Katmandu :heehee:) I have to tell my card issuer what countries I shall be in.

            I tell them the day before I go and then let them know when I have returned. When I tell them I'm going they always ask when I shall be returning. It's better security not to tell them your return date but to phone immediately you're back.

            I don't use debit cards at all but just credit cards. :)
            • Informative Informative x 1
            • **Yvonne**

              **Yvonne** Total Gardener

              Jun 24, 2012
              I've been through something similar, also as a Nationwide customer. I was very grateful they spotted the dodgy activity and protected me. However the promised replacement card wasn't ordered and I was without any cards at all for 2 weeks. As I had flights, hotels and airport parking to book for a work trip, this caused huge problems for me. I now have a credit card, just for emergencies like this.

              Also, I try to use cash back in shops whenever possible as this is the safest way to withdraw money without a trip to the bank.
              • Informative Informative x 1
              • lost_in_france

                lost_in_france Total Gardener

                May 28, 2013
                Santander do the same but they also phone or text you to let you know there's a problem
              • clueless1

                clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                Jan 8, 2008
                Nationwide said they'd tried to phone me, but they have my number and I have no missed calls or voicemail. Unless their's is the number that I added to my block list after numerous silent calls. The thing is, even if they had phoned me, it would have done no good because I refuse to confirm any sensitive info with anyone that calls me, because I think you're more likely to get phones from someone pretending to be the bank than the actual bank themselves.
              • pete

                pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                Jan 9, 2005
                Mid Kent
                Its happened twice to me with my Natwest credit card.

                They phoned me on both occasions and went though my statements with me, asking which were my transaction and which were not, the ones from the hotel in the Far East were not mine, nor a couple of small debits on Ebay.
                I even had my new card stopped before I had chance to use it on one occasion.

                I think, often its down to leaky bank security rather than us, but they wouldn't tell us that, would they?
                • Agree Agree x 2
                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  The thing to do with any call that says it's from your bank that you think may be correct - or not sure - is to ring off, then phone the correct department at your bank and ask for the situation.

                  I received a call from the fraud department of my bank saying there was a possible fraud on my account. The person gave me their name and then suggested that I go online to the bank's home page, look up their fraud department on the site, take the phone number and then call them.

                  I did that and they told me the call had been from them and they had intercepted a phoned transfer from my current account where the person had given them correct security details. A large amount of money had first been transferred online from my savings account to the current account and they had used my pin number!

                  They asked me whether I had given my pin number to anyone. I said that not only hadn't I given it to anyone but that I don't even know it myself. I have it encrypted (not on computer) and I need to decrypt it each time I wish to use it. The person would have to break into our house, find where I hide the encrypted information and then decrypt it! I told the head of the fraud department that I think it must have been an internal fraud.

                  He denied it was possible (for reasons I won't bother to go into) but he would look into it. Two weeks later I received a letter saying that they agreed I wasn't at fault. They wouldn't tell me anything more but I happen to know someone high up in their organisation. He said that there had just been a sudden departure by someone in their securities department and also a friend of that person who worked for the company who deals with pin numbers.

                  What the fraudster didn't know was that my bank have standing instructions from me not to transfer large sums online, even if it's between my own accounts. I phone a special number, they security check who I am, and then we transfer the sum by phone. I then go into my account online and double check it. It doesn't take more than a few minutes.

                  What? Me paranoid! Naw! :heehee:
                  • Like Like x 2
                  • HarryS

                    HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

                    Aug 28, 2010
                    It's very concerning all this card fraud and phishing , I have just checked my overdraft and thank goodness it is still there ! :hapydancsmil:
                    If one of these scumbags did access your current account , what is the maximum they can withdraw ? Would it be your balance + your overdraft limit ? If anything higher was requested would this bounce ?
                  • ARMANDII

                    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                    Jan 12, 2019
                    Oh Bu&%*£!!!, Ziggy and I were enjoying those trips to Kathmandu and Goa too!:gaah::heehee:

                    I only have a Debit card as I'm not a Fan of Credit Cards and I won't have a online Bank Account for the obvious security reasons. However, Bank security software does seem to be more sophisticated, [well, for those Banks that have invested and upgraded their systems], and able to stop more suspicious withdrawal. I made a substantial payment to a Retailer some months ago for some Astronomical gear via my Debit card and it was immediately "questioned" by the Bank system. I had to answer a few security questions before it would release the money for the transaction............I haven't got a problem with that.:dunno::coffee::heehee:
                  • clueless1

                    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                    Jan 8, 2008
                    HSBC gone done a while ago for this. It turned out that they'd outsourced the issuing of cards to India, and some people in the relevant department was setting up two copies of every card, one to be sent to the actual customer and one for themselves. Except that they'd get theirs before the customer did. I should point out that according to the news report, it was only a small faction that was responsible, and not the department as a whole.

                    It depends on your bank's policies, and to some extent your financial record. Sometimes they let you go hundreds of pounds over your overdraft limit.
                  • clueless1

                    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                    Jan 8, 2008
                    That happened to me once when booking a holiday. The lady in Thomas Cook looked at me and said "oh, the computer is telling me to phone the bank". She did so with my permission, and within minutes we were back on. It was just because apparently booking a holiday was 'unusual activity' for me. Perhaps I should have took that as a hint to take more breaks. I quite fancy going to Kathmandu perhaps:roflol:
                    • Like Like x 1
                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      Does that mean that as I'm not wandering around in out of the way places at my usual time of year they might question my visit to Sainsbury's yesterday? :heehee:
                      • Funny Funny x 1

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