going to be tidying garden up tomorrow, so would like to know what is weeds in the side of my garden, i think alot of it is, but sooner check before i dig it up if anything not weeds can you let me know what it is closer view and everything in this pic
1. fat Hen (weed - pull it out!) 2. Fat hen close up 3. Borage - herb 4 Nasturtiums - annual flower 5. Seed heads - don't know 6. Aquilega - nice flower 7. Flat leaved parsley or Coriander ??? 8. All sorts! Buttercups, fat hen, nigella (love in a mist)
3-borage 7-feverfew(rub the leaves it should be very sage-like in aroma) 8-ladys smock-the one that is at the front and out of focus. I hope-not very good on id-ing plants
5 is Aquilega seed heads, if you don't want to be over run by the stuff, chop them off as if you were dead heading, and leave the leaves. 8 you have a cornflower in there, the wispy blue flower. I'd leave that, as it will give you a better display another year. It is a perennial, and you can save the seeds to grow some of your own! Hope this Helps!
Wow - i actually managed to ID a plant !!! I would also agree the blue wispy flower is cornflower. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centaurea_montana Link for pretty picture and a few details about it. I would be inclinded to get rid of the rest ... but then thats just me
Pull up the Fat Hen for starters Dawn, thats an ugly weed full stop, no one would grow that in a border unless you want to feed some chickens. You don't need to dig it out, its hardly got any roots. Its up to you about the rest of them. They are all prolific self seeders with nice flowers, you will have a cottage garden feel to the border if you leave them all. I'd just leave them to see which you like, pull up the one you don't.
ok will definately pull out the chicken feeders lol then while doing that i will pull some bits out if find ugly :D