Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by J.R.P., Jun 21, 2009.

  1. J.R.P.

    J.R.P. Gardener

    Feb 4, 2007
    Hi ALL the time as come to say I wish you all and yours a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS ans HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011. And I'm pleased to say the snow has not stopped us from seeing some of our family and friends who are here. With this in mind as you know the past year has had its ups and downs, whilst I would like to see my reuse of waste plastic containers to grow things in to become part of our WORLD AID programme to help feed the poor people, and to help save lives, and to help reduce some of our waste going to landfill at the same time in the UK and the rest of the world if I can with your help, but so far it really does seem I'm wasting my time in trying.
    I know there are lots of people out there who support what I'm trying to do on my own in my own way, but in this world of greed not need Governments are now really only interested in making money out of poor people. I Know there will always be the VERY RICH, and the rich who are just above to the middle class, but I also now believe this can also apply to the poor now living in different countries. Whilst I've never been to any country to see the difference my self, our TV stations have covered most things to watch without actually being there. So there is no way we can ignore what we have seen with our own eyes happening to people, good or bad.
    Whilst I do believe I know how to help solve most of the worlds problems in the simplest of ways, the only way I can prove it to anyone is I need to have lots of money to play with, or you try to find someone who has. The problem I've got I'm not really interested in making money, I would just like to see my ideas used before I die, not to be famous but to say If I can do something to help make things better, you can do it to if you try too.
    With this in mind all I'm asking people to do his help me to spread the word about something that's been proven to work in the simplest of ways to grow things, as a designer and inventor who wants to help people to grow there own food as gardeners, or as school children to learn more ways about how to recycle waste, and the science of making things work, for example like I have in a drought or flood situation for next to nothing.
    A BIG THANK YOU to ALL. And may you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP (recycling) linked to and you if you can help me too.
  2. J.R.P.

    J.R.P. Gardener

    Feb 4, 2007
    :D:mad: 31-1-2011.
    Hi ALL I hope you and yours are all well, I've got some very bad news to share with you as it may concern YOU too, in regards to renting an allotment plot from a council, which you may or may not know about,because I've just been told by ConfusedRhubarb that our own GREENWICH Council is going to TRIPLE our RENT's in APRIL. With this in mind johnlawrence84 -has posted on about now getting a petition together, which you might want to know more about to get in touch with him, the more signatures the better. We think that our GREENWICH Council have been trying to keep the allotment rent increase very very quiet, because they know that there are LAWS PROTECTING ALLOTMENT PLOT HOLDERS and ALLOTMENT SITES too. Whilst I'm trying to promote my own way of the 3Rs of waste plastic container gardening to help grow things, having your own allotment plot to spend some time on, enjoying they say a simple life with people of all ages, this I'm sure will all change if people can't afford to pay such a high increase, which I've just been told about.
    ALLOTMENT RENTS MAY RISE BY 200 PER CENT. As reported in one of our local news papers dated 26-1-2011. GREENWICH campaigners say many people will be FORCED TO GIVE UP THEIR ALLOTMENTS IF GREENWICH Council pushes ahead with PLANS TO DRAMATICALLY INCREASE RENTS. The town hall wants to increase the cost of hiring one of the sought-after plots by more than 200per cent to raise £72,000 over the next four years. A delegation of plot-holders, representing over 18 allotment sites, met with the Greenwich council cabinet member for culture, Councillor John Fahy, at Woolwich Town Hall on the 27-1-2011. They discussed the move, which for some will raise RATES FROM £65 a YEAR to £200 a YEAR from APRIL 1, with a FURTHER INCREASE of £50 in 2013.
    The HIKE is part of the town hall's £21.43million package of cuts and savings announced in December 2010. The council is set to LOSE £63.4million in Government cash over the next four years on PUBLIC FUNDING. At the meeting, CAMPAIGNERS SAID an UNFAIRLY HIGH PRICE was being HEAPED ON THEM, arguing that the health benefits of an allotment outweigh the relatively small amount of cash increasing rates will generate. Members of the group also pointed out the council had a LEGAL OBLIGATION TO LET allotments AT RENTS PEOPLE COULD AFFORD TO PAY. CURRENTLY the council charges £6.50 per rod - just over five metres.
    The PROPOSALS would see the price rocket to £20 per rod for residents and £40 for non-residents, one of the members said, they always seem to look at putting up prices rather than thinking about what savings could be made. Another member said " allotments were a social leveller , and another member said ALLOTMENTS are an important way in which the COMMUNITY COMES TOGETHER, and if they become unaffordable it would be a BIG LOSS. Another member said, There are NOT MANY ALLOTMENT HOLDERS WHO KNOW ABOUT THE RISE.
    (ME) I AGREE, so please help to spread the word in anyway you can , BUT? I think the council thinks, because we are growing our own food at a cheaper price we can afford to pay more. This I'm sure will only encourage more people to sell what they grow at makets or boot fairs, if the rents do go up by 200 per cent in Greenwich SE10 . May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP (recycling)
  3. Steve R

    Steve R Soil Furtler

    Feb 15, 2008
    Whilst it is important to highlight such dramatic rises in plot rents, and garner support against such changes, could I just point out that I find your posts difficult to read.

    The block of text has obviously (to me) been writen elsewhere and pasted here and a large portion of it has been written in block capitals which to me makes it difficult to read along with the lack of formatting, its just my opinion and I'm not slating you for it. I got the gist of your posting but gave up reading it halfway through.

    So if you could perhaps consider some extra formatting in future, I would appreciate it. I'm interested but cant read it easily.


  4. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    :scratch: :rolleyespink: :what:
  5. J.R.P.

    J.R.P. Gardener

    Feb 4, 2007
    :D Hi ALL I know it's a bit late to tell YOU, but I think I'm on SK3 TV again starting in the morning at 3.30am Secret Life in ? for a few weeks, or they are new ones, mine was called Secret Life in Suburbia a few years ago, ending with me saying to everyone, we can grow acorns from a acorn tree, instead of a Oak tree. oOps never mind, to me it like saying we can get conkers from a conker tree, instead of a horse chestnut, which sounds a bit wrong to me too. Ha Ha. John. :D
  6. Steve R

    Steve R Soil Furtler

    Feb 15, 2008
    And do YOU get BONKERS from a bonker tree?

  7. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumbsup: I commend you John.. Your commitment to the cause is wonderful & I'm glad you are back on TV again..!! :thumbsup:
  8. captainhastings

    captainhastings Gardener

    Feb 5, 2011
    I was just looking at the videos and this one here
    Show the empty 4 pinters with another cut down bottle placed inside. Is the plan with that when it rains the water soaks through in the 4 pinter and then the roots in the smaller container suck the water back up as needed ?
    Looks a great idea but as a beginner what sort root system would fit into a cut down 2 litre bottle cabbages and lettuces ?
  9. J.R.P.

    J.R.P. Gardener

    Feb 4, 2007
    :D Hi Captainhasting I hope you and yours are all well, and thank you very much for trying to help spread the word about my very simple to make water recycling idea, which you have somehow put one of my 6 video films onto this website. Which is great because I have no more room on my own website as there are 235 pages on it like a book all about what I've grown my self, which anyone else can do too. My idea simply works by using all the upside down containers as water reservoirs, and using the caps on them to control the water, simply done by undoing or doing up the caps. Mother Nature does the rest. no water goes to waste compared to growing in the land. May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John JRP (recycling):D
  10. J.R.P.

    J.R.P. Gardener

    Feb 4, 2007
    :D:) Hi ALL an update for those who are interested in my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas and saving lives if I can with help. I've just offered my water recycling idea to R.A.P.I.D UK to maybe help feed Japan's poor people now and in the future, why because so much land has been contaminated by the Tsunami yesterday the 11-3-2011, there responce was they have passed my details onto the operational team who will contact me should they need my expertise. And I've also contacted the BBC news team too. This as all just so hapened after our Youngest grandson came home safely after he had finished playing his part in a film called impossible with the actor Mr Ewan McGregor who's the ambassador for UNISEF, and the film it self just so happens to be all about the Tsunami that hit Thailand, just like Japan yesterday. and they to said to me the same thing, that my e-mail has been forwarded on to their high profile support team reference Sue Hill at UNISEF sent to me on the 30-2-2010.
    Some more news I've just sent a e-mail to our Greenwich Cllr Jackie Smith asking her if she could help spread the word about my 3Rs of waste ideas, as she's our cabinet member for children and young people, after seeing in our G.T. a report dated the 8-3-2011 all about THE NEW 3Rs 'GREEN' SCHOOL which is now open at Woolwich SE18. Plus I just so happen to speak to two young lady's yesterday who are also trying to promote RECYCLING in schools too named SWAC, in Bexley as part of their Environment & Regeneration Service, Waste & Recycling team. I'm still waiting for a helpful reply from the Princes-Trust sent on the 3-3-2011 as they now know about my idea too.
    If YOU or anyone else can help me in anyway to spread the word to anyone so that maybe one day my idea will become part of the Governments WORLD AID programme would be great, if not please can use give my ideas a try to help reduce some of our waste going to landfill sites in the UK and the rest of the world, as it cost next to nothing to make and can help to feed you too using it, I'm now in the process of replacing some of my container section with some trellis shown on my page project (2)-(3) 2011, because they were destroyed by fire from next doors wheelie bin being set alight by some trouble makers. This system I'm going to add some more photos of, for you all to look at, because I've designed a new way for lots of dissabled people to grow thing on young or old in the future, which I want to share with the rest of the world too. Thank YOU for showing your support done by reading all my message to help other people. I hope you and yours are all well, all the very best JOHN. JRP.:D linked to supported by

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