There was a strange whiff on the warm breeze on the allotment today. Also quite a healthy population of flies. But it was nothing to do with me, .............well thats what I told everyone. Dranunculus Vulgaris was back with a vengeance .:hehe:
:dh::D Yours is slightly ahead of mine Pete...... Think yours is bigger than mine too...!!!!!:dh: Phew.... will show you mine when it opens...!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lollol: :gnthb: Fantastic Pete.... !!!!!!!!!! You just keep telling the neighbours that..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hehe:
They are wonderful plants arn't they? I have another set to open tomorrow, so may be I'll get some seed this year.
The best description of the aroma that I've ever heard was on TV, when the presenter described it as "a pungent aroma of necrotic flesh".
Personally I think it smells of rotten fish, but its one of those "aromas" that comes and goes, not really that bad or persistent. Its very easy to grow, in fact I find, once planted it does just that, grow. No messing, it comes up in early spring, flowers and grows some leaves, by August its back under the ground waiting for next spring. JWK, my allotment is really part of my garden, its a rented piece of ground at the end of the garden. I have a few veg, but mostly "strange" stuff these days. Well "strange" for an allotment anyway.
:yho: Mine has flowered today Pete..!!! :yho: Personally I think they smell like putrefying meat..!!! :rotfl: Mine is up behind the greenhouse away from all.. I have some pics to download so will post one later..:D Granny I find mine very easy to grow, they are in the ground like Petes.. In the winter I just mulch them a bit & leave them to it.. They are in a fairly protected sunny spot there behind my green house.. Give some a try.. You will never fail to revolt someone again all the time you grow one..!!!!:lollol::lollol:
Not sure, I got mine from a friend, they are not bulking up very fast so dont have any spares at the moment. Have you googled?