Yes I have. There is one guy. I'll ring tomorrow and see. I just wondered if you knew somewhere on line. The chap doesn't take orders on line. I am greatly intrigued. It seems to be very hardy. Likes dry soil so it should do ok with me. Just a bit of a novelty:gnthb:
:thmb: Try here Granny..
That is such a cool plant, its so pretty, just a shame that it smells the way it does. Is that the same then as a Corpse Flower?
I think it might be related Penny but its smaller and hardy enough to grow outdoors. The "aroma" is not as bad as people say. BTW, the flowers still look OK even now, but the scent has gone, it only lasts for the first day.
:gnthb: OK, here are my photos Pete, better late than never as they say.... The spike in my flower is a good 16" long.... It is just a thing of beauty now the stench has gone..!!! :hehe: They are amazing considering they are so exotic to look at... Yet hardy to this country... I have mine behind the greenhouse & it is a sheltered sun spot I suppose...