Or, do you *think* you are? I have spent a reasonable amount of time making something for our home. I've been working on it, on and off, in the sitting room, in full view. Early hours today it was completed and put in situ. The clock is ticking to see how long it takes Mr "M" to notice (so far, it's a dismal FAIL! ) So, that got me thinking: how observant do you think you are? If something changes/added/removed in your home environment, are you quick to spot it? Do you have to wait to have it pointed out? Just curious really.
On the whole I think women are more likely to notice changes than men as in most cases they are the ones that maintain a home. I know every square inch of my place and would notice any change straight away. Plus, there's the fact my other half wouldn't do anything without consulting me first, he knows that's more than his life's worth!
Haha it's funny you should post this. I was just 5 minutes ago grumbling to myself in the kitchen about my failure to get annual phlox to germinate (this is my third attempt), in fact, grumbling at the lack of anything germinating in my propagator. Took a closer look and phlox, lobelia and another salvia are all poking their heads up. Woops!
Charlie I germinate Phlox off the propagator . It should germinate in 7 to 14 days . It may prefer the cooler temp to germinate , but that's for another thread . Back to M's observant thread , pretend you didn't notice me
I have to admit I often fail to notice when OH has changed something around the house, although it doesn't take me long when anything edible appears. However, should she take it upon herself to go out and do anything at all in the garden, well now, that's a different story.
Yes; because I'm the one that will have changed, added, cleaned, tidied or moved anything in my place.
Had success now with the super 7, my other propagator didn't work. Hopefully I won't run out of seeds!
"M" - was it a big item? Could the colour blend in the background with other items? Could he be preoccupied with a situation - hence not noticing his surroundings? I am naturally observant but even more so in my back garden, with good reason. I have had a deranged neighbour that has constantly been trespassing and vandalising there for over a decade now. She also displaces items i.e. puts them where I would never do so. (I report her vandalisms but that inflammes her further). Recently I think I am winning though in blocking her ability to enter....involved placing branches of a dead rose bush around the edges of my shed roof!
Sometimes it's difficult to guess from avatar names, we've all made mistakes here which is a good reason for putting our gender in the same box.
Well I deliberately didn't do so since I would classify myself as androgynous. I am equally OK with being thought of as either gender. It's not a dating forum so it is of no consequence to me if others get me wrong!