General Election: Who the hell am I going to vote for???

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Val.., Mar 19, 2015.

  1. longk

    longk Total Gardener

    Nov 24, 2011
    Apparently it is called efficiency savings :dunno:

    I don't think that insisting upon that for a period of (for arguments sake) five years would be unreasonable in any way at all.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • **Yvonne**

      **Yvonne** Total Gardener

      Jun 24, 2012
      :roflol: this made me think of the Hunger Games! :loll:

      My point of view, as a militant socialist Scouser is, if the Tories get into power again, we will be stepping over the bodies of the disabled, ill and poor in the streets. As for whom to vote for next, I don't feel any of them are truly acting on behalf of the people, if I could have my wish, Dennis Skinner would be my man!!!

      You can hang, draw and quarter me before I would vote UKIP/BNP.
      • Agree Agree x 2
      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019
        • Funny Funny x 2
        • longk

          longk Total Gardener

          Nov 24, 2011
          Just to be clear, I am only talking about the idle parasites and not the ones who do need help.

          How bizzarre - check out what I was posting as you were posting here.................

          I agree to a large part (maybe not the bodies but certainly the sentiment).

          I'm not so sure. The harsh realities of politics in a modern structured society is that it is no longer to make massive wholesale changes without tipping the apple cart over. The philosophy behind a new government may change but actual change can only be done gradually and carefully.
        • **Yvonne**

          **Yvonne** Total Gardener

          Jun 24, 2012
          Longy, I knew what you meant, I feel exactly the same, I have no time for mickey takers ( would like to say something else but the filters won't let me). I also agree with your last point and think could possibly be achieved with a coalition which brings in new blood. I'm fed up with the 3 main parties and fully embrace a new approach.

          As a side note can I add, it wasn't the governing body who caused the economic crash, it was Sh*t bankers. I want to see who has the balls to PROPERLY deal with this!
          • Agree Agree x 2
          • Charlie996

            Charlie996 Gardener

            Jan 10, 2015
            Retired Builder
            The Vale of Evesham
            The Con dems promised to regulate immigration. They not only failed miserably but in came tens of thousands ... No a few hundred thousand more than the limits they promised. They have got us into more debt than can be believed yet they say we are in a better place.

            UKIP ??? Mmmm well is it worth a try ?

            Immigration is one of the most talked about concerns we have in the UK today.. The main things for me are not only have public services not been increased to cope with the huge influx of people but they have been cut drastically and will be cut far more yet, how much we don't know as they refuse to tell us !

            Hospitals and schools can't cope the simply can't ! It takes far more resources to educate or treat a migrant simply because of the language barriers .

            Even the local councils have said that due to government level cuts they will no longer pick up litter along the roads.. Have any of you noticed what a blooming mess many areas have become ?

            For the record I am not prejudice to EU Migrants. But put the infrastructure in place FIRST not try to do it after when it can't cope, of course to do this the government would have to have a clue how many were going to come in but they haven't .

            I'm sorry but I can't vote for the Conservatives. They quite simply lie to much.

            The Liberals are finished now. Let's face it they were hopeless before linking with the Cons now they are finished.

            Milliband ?? Well others have opined and I can't disagree .

            So that leaves only one place my vote can go...

            I tell you what... If my dad were alive I think he would be ashamed of what this once fine country has become. I have to admit so am I.

            My dad suffered horribly fighting in the last war for this country. I feel uneasy and feel hopeless at the way it's heading now...
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              Last edited: Mar 21, 2015
            • Val..

              Val.. Confessed snail lover

              Aug 2, 2010
              Hay-on-Wye, Hereford
              Ditto :sad:
            • Charlie996

              Charlie996 Gardener

              Jan 10, 2015
              Retired Builder
              The Vale of Evesham
              I was thinking about this subject while mowing the lawns today for the first time.

              This government have a lot to answer for. They say the employment statistics are the best in years but this is complete rubbish. How many are working part time so are counted as being in work ? How many are on these awful Zero hour contracts ?

              Its a fact that allowing so much cheap labour from the EU has kept wages low. Its a fact that the minimum wage is now "The" wage" as why would employers pay more when there are so many from the EU willing to work for minimum or even below. Make no mistake its taking advantage of those people from the EU.

              Does any of this matter to me ? Well no not a jot I'm to old and sorted to have to worry but for the generations following behind us Its a major concern so that makes it important to each and every one of us.

              We are in a no win situation now and even my words could convince some of you I'm prejudice but I absolutely promise you I am not !

              But I am concerned at the direction this country is taking. Maybe its to late now ?

              On another note which may to some sound selfish.. I went to visit my Aunt. She is now in care at the age of 92 following my uncle passing 3 years ago . He was aged 94 when he passed. Both of them were to me truly wonderful people my Aunt still is of course and we all love her dearly. It really upsets me when we visit and Il tell you why if I may.. She is cared for by people from Thailand Poland and other parts of the world. Her one and only complaint is she cannot understand what these people are saying to her. She assures us they are lovely people and I believe her. Now her care is paid for from the funds from her house and the funds her and uncle saved up during there very long and extended working lives. Yet despite her relative wealth my Aunt cannot get into a home where the language barrier is less of a problem.

              Its it unfair and unrealistic to expect for her or for Us to expect to be cared for by people who we can understand ? Blimey I hate my own words as I realise they are mostly in the negative but thats the way I see things.

              Back on topic I repeat I have absolutely NO idea who to vote for. Some seem dead against UKIP but I am leaning in that direction simply because the alternatives frighten me..

              More of the same ? Or a radical change ? Over to you ................................
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              • longk

                longk Total Gardener

                Nov 24, 2011
                Absolutely spot on.

                Two points;
                1] we can't stop it
                2] let us not forget how it started. A veg farmer in Lincolnshire was sick of watching his hard work rot because he could not get local labour to pick it so he went to Romania and came back with staff. More farmers saw this and followed suit.
                • Agree Agree x 1
                • pete

                  pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                  Jan 9, 2005
                  Mid Kent
                  Lets not forget, he wanted it picked for peanuts.
                  For various reasons.

                  People who actually live here full time cant afford to work for minimal wages,... if you go back to a poorer country, where you are rich, for six months of the year, its quite a good idea.
                  • Agree Agree x 1
                  • Charlie996

                    Charlie996 Gardener

                    Jan 10, 2015
                    Retired Builder
                    The Vale of Evesham
                    If we leave Europe immigration can be controlled. Drastic maybe but if its the only way then why not ?

                    This thing about the young or unskilled not being willing to work is cloudy to say the least.

                    I live in the Vale of Evesham and not so many years ago it was all local labour that did the agricultural work.. I have to be honest I have little idea what they were paid but there was no shortage of labour.
                    Some one said above no one in this country and particularly the young don't want to do this work Sorry that is just incorrect.

                    What they don't want to do is work in that industry for the very low pay. The rates of pay have been set at minimum wage but how many can afford to work for the minimum wage.

                    There are farms in and around Evesham where rows of mobile homes are set up to house what they call "seasonal workers" In some remote areas up near Lincoln they house these seasonal workers in old shipping containers. What I can say is the mobile homes they live in are very basic and the poor sods live in what can only be described as squalor . This in my opinion is to house people very cheaply so they can afford to work for the very low wages.

                    Is it fair to expect the people who live here to live like that ?

                    I actually feel very sorry indeed for these seasonal workers. To say they are being exploited is putting it very mildly..

                    So should we expect people living here with mortgages or rents to pay to do the same ? Hands up anyone who would like to adopt a similar lifestyle so we can have our veg s cheap ?

                    What has this country come to to allow these things to happen ?

                    But then we are a nation where paying less for milk than water is acceptable . Paying very little for vegetables is fine and never mind about the way workers are treated..

                    You know what I have thought very little about who to vote for or why. This thread has almost made my mind up.

                    We need a fresh approach and if it takes a completely different party to effect it the why ever not.
                    • Agree Agree x 1
                    • pete

                      pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                      Jan 9, 2005
                      Mid Kent
                      Where I work, they use seasonal labour to pick apples, mostly from Poland I believe, but not exclusively, the same ones often come back each year.

                      They have caravans provided for them to live in while they are here, its basic but I dont think they really want much more, mostly they are young and "roughing it" a bit, during the summer, is not really a problem to them.

                      It must be worth their while to come here and earn rock bottom wages, because they wouldn't return if it wasn't.
                      • Agree Agree x 2
                      • Charlie996

                        Charlie996 Gardener

                        Jan 10, 2015
                        Retired Builder
                        The Vale of Evesham

                        Agree completely Pete.. It must be a bit of a giggle doing stuff like that but how can anyone expect the indigenous population do work for the wages , Of course there is likely an alternative called benefits and I very strongly say no able bodied person no matter how young or old should be allowed money for nothing when there are any jobs to do.

                        We are fed a diet of rubbish with all these benefits programs that are on the telly all the time. But there are two sides to these story's. I hate those programmes nearly as much as I hate the lazy sods who sit at home doing nothing and moaning . But would I want to work for 6 quid an hour ?
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                        • pete

                          pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                          Jan 9, 2005
                          Mid Kent
                          When I was young most fruit picking around here was done by Mothers and their kids.

                          In the school summer holidays, a lot of kids went fruit picking with their Mums.

                          Now the Mums have a full time job raking in good money so dont want, or need, the extra bit of cash , the kids miss out, and the east Europeans gain.
                          The farmer gains because he has guaranteed labour.
                        • longk

                          longk Total Gardener

                          Nov 24, 2011
                          We would lose more than we would save so it is not an option.

                          I agree but how do we unpick this mess. Pay more for the basics and suffer rampant inflation leading to pay rises and increased costs and so on or accept a local (as in UK) recession.
                          Consider the farmers situation. The supermarket comes along and tells you how much they want, when they want it, how much they will pay you and when they will pay you (never less than 90 days). They also tell you want the financial cost will be to you if you fail to meet the quantities/dates whilst reserving the right to alter their order at the last minute. Stuff the supermarkets you say? Fair enough, they just import from abroad instead but you can't find a buyer as the majority of the UK only buys from the supermarkets anyway.

                          Not really - it's bloody hard work. But it represents an opportunity for them.
                          But that is just the seasonal workers. The reason that permanent employers are looking to the eastern bloc is that our education system is not turning out young people fit for work. But don't start me off on that again - I've covered that several times on this forum :)

                          They didn't want to before the immigration "crisis".
                          • Agree Agree x 1

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