New here so hi to all. Recently moved to a house with a well established garden full of potential but also Moss, lots of things that we know what they are, and a poorly apple and fig tree! Shall pick them off one at at time but have so far seen loads of advice that will help loads I am sure.
Hi and welcome to gardeners corner! Lovely that you have an established garden - we look forward to photos. As for moss, I am very familiar with it! The advantage is that it doesn't need to be mown (so much).... It's when you get lichens growing in your "grass" as I spotted when doing my first cut this afternoon. Then it's time to be really concerned - or feel really blessed that the air quality is good enough to grow lichen! Sorry, I'm whit-ering again, as hubby would say. I'll go make a cuppa - but welcome!!
Welcome to GC Manzician. Hope you enjoy the forum - there's a wealth of help and information here and lots of fun too. Everyone is really friendly and you'll have loads of laughs as well as knowledgeable advice. I suffer badly from moss too, have spent the last few weeks scraping it off all my flower beds and putting bark mulch on to try and prevent it coming back. Not worried about it on the lawn as that's just really my dogs' playing field. Look forward to hearing about your garden and if you have any pics would love to see them too
to GC @Manziclan and congratulations on your new home. We have some very knowledgeable members on here who should be able to help identify the plants you do not know. Looking forward to reading your posts and getting to know you across the forum
Thanks for the welcome all - A few pics for your delight. First one shows the main garden view. Bushy bits at the end hide another few feet with a filled in pond and shed. We plan to pull out most of the 'bushy bits' and turf all the way down and then put in some raised beds for veggies. Second one shows what behind the bushy bits - looks like some work to be done there so this is further down the list. Top of the list is sorting the moss which is bad down the left and the back. I don't think the drainage here is great but next door have a cracking lawn so sure its treatable - have aerated some of the turf and plan to treat then scarify. Third one shows a close up of the poorly apple tree which is center of the main pic. I think its doomed as its seems to have been mutilated by previous owners, I'm sure with the best of intentions but those lumpy bits are literally all over it? - we have removed a lot of water shoots but I'm not sure it isn't on its way out. Last one shows the fig tree corner. Not sure what to do here but we'd like to clear this corner for the rabbits and guinea pigs but seems a shame to get rid of the tree. Might be able to leave it in situ and do something around it. Early days yet and we're quite excited to see what it all looks like in the summer before we commit to anything.