Assuming thats right of center in picture two then yes I thinks that's safe. It's well out of the way and is quite eye catching so yes should be fine
Looks like a lovely garden you've got there Manziclan I like the look of that old Apple tree,be interesting see how it crops
Welcome Manziclan. I have seen lots of poorly apple trees and the usual reason is that they are in grass and the grass has been mowed for years and the cuttings taken away. So they have less and less nutrients in their soil. So the best things is to give it lots of compost, and if you're lazy don't mow around it from then on; or just let any cuttings lie there. Or, of course, compost them every year. I know what I prefer ....
Apple tree update - it lives..! I have a question about how I let it grow. Do I just leave it to do its thing or should I curate it a bit. As it was it was fairly wild with water shoots all over the place which we cut back (apologies, this should probably be a new post) and I'm worried some of the top shoots look a bit like water shoots in training. If I keep it low will it be bushier? or do I just let it do its thing and cut it back at some stage later. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk