Confession - this cold weather is getting me down. I think we've had a miserly Winter - cold, and very little sun down here in the SE corner. So, tell me I'm wrong. Tell me it's been OK and the soil's not that cold. I need statistical evidence, Jenny
I agree with every word Jenny, its not been a hard winter by any means but since Christmas even the wet spells have been cold. The bushes and trees are moving now, but not much new germinating at ground level. I guess the clay is cold. I'm fed up with the gloom, it 's gone on for too long. Or maybe its just that I notice it more these days.
We've had a few days of sunshine, one day i even had my sunglasses on (that's a sight) i always look west to USA a see what they've had, then dilute it a bit and that 's our weather
Oh my god, I'm so glad you wrote this, I'm absolutely desperate for the temps to get at least into double figures and stay there!! My employment ends a week tomorrow, and I could really do with the distraction of getting outdoors
Well actually I don't think we've had Winter at all! Sure it's been wet and a bit cold but then it should be cold during Nov/Dec/Jan/Feb.
I left cannas rhizomes in the ground all winter jenny and they are ok so the soil must be warmish Chin up its almost summer x
I dare say that 'they' will say it's an average winter, and in some ways I agree with Val, but it just seems like there's been no respite. One would normally expect to get some mild spells.
Up here in East Yorkshire the winter hasn't seemed too bad compared to others but it's dragging on too long now,we keep getting teased with the odd bit of sunshine then the wind blows and the rains come.I hope we aren't going to get plagued with that cool wind all summer
Is it normally sunny in Winter? We've had some sunny days here. But it is still March and they used to say "March winds doth blow and we shall have snow"
I agree - it's been sodding cold, damned wet and downright gloomy. And now the bleedin' wind is here as well!