Yawn Yawn, Wakey WAKEY...!! 2015

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fat Controller, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone,

    Right first Job....Find our Shiney...Hope that leg isn't playing up :fingers crossed:

    Beckie ...Pleased to hear Little B is feeling more chipper:chicken: They can be vocal little madams can't they .When I checked my girls last night the auto door had closed and Lily was locked out:doh:I lifted the door and shone the torch on the ramp she came tottering up but when she tried to go in Mabel came and stood in the door way,she put a foot at each side of the door and puffed her wings out as if to say " you're not coming in":old: after a bit of jabbering she reluctantly let Lily in and then they all settled down,They must have had a fall out:rolleyespink:...

    Lynda.....GET UP:old: you know what day it is don't you?:blue thumb:
    Have a good shopping day girls,I'm at work again so still have yet to get to Aldi:doh:

    Moyra,Woo hope you're both OK this morning:thumbsup:

    Blimey that fog is suddenly coming down it was clear 10 minutes ago:rolleyespink:

    Quick cuppa then Hi Ho:whistle:

    Take it easy everyone and take care:SUNsmile:
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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Morning early people

      Shiney's got computer problems.
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      • lost_in_france

        lost_in_france Total Gardener

        May 28, 2013
        Morning all

        Pleased it's 'just' computer problems for Shiney

        Bit misty at the moment but promises to be a glorious day

        :heehee: at Lily and Mabel. Until I joined this thread I didn't realise what characters chooks could be and how they all have such different personalities

        Glad Little B is on the mend Beckie. Now get yourself down to Aldi and report back on your plant haul. I have to content myself with second-hand shopping through you and Lynda since my Aldi won't oblige :roflol:

        Waves to Woo, Shiney, Moyra and Lynda. Hope you're all feeling better and the sun shines on you all

        Take care everyone and have a great day
        • Friendly Friendly x 4
        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Good morning Loli,Zigs,Eve and all my other friends enjoy your day and keep smiling:smile:
          • Friendly Friendly x 2
          • moyra

            moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

            Sep 17, 2005
            South East Essex
            Good morning everyone,

            Shiney, hope your leg is on the mend and also your computer too!
            Chooks are amazingly funny characters and give so much pleasure too. Loli, hope yours have sorted out their dispute ok.

            Well have fun girls if you are off to Aldi for the best of the rest. I must get Amber out for her walk but it is very foggy here and I was hoping it would lift about first. My leg and shoulder are playing up again but expect they will get better has the day goes on. Need some more of that lovely sun. WOO and Zigs, and all our lovely ladies hope you are all ok. Take care and have a good day.
            God Bless. :wub2:

            • Friendly Friendly x 3
            • LyndaG

              LyndaG Super Gardener

              Feb 6, 2015
              Morning folks, reading all the posts today I feel like I've slept in very late and it's not even 8.30 yet. Only once have I managed to be the first post on this thread. I may, at some point, do it again, but as you were folks and don't hold your breath for it...

              Well, very sadly, my bestie can't come down to visit now - aside from her physical and mental health problems she has a virus that has caused her bad breathing problems due to exacerbating her asthma. If Phil caught that it would be really dangerous so we are having to give it a miss this time round. I'm gutted. We go back more than 40 years. I'll miss her, but hopefully she'll be down again soon. For anybody thinking "get yourself up to Newcastle and visit hr you lazy sod" I honestly am more than willing, but can't leave Phil and he won't let anybody else take care of him, it's not that I'm leaving all the arduous travelling to poor Dianne!!

              I soooooo love reading about the chickens and their adventures, bless them, they're proper little characters aren't they? @Beckie76 I'm so glad to hear your little lady is on the mend and @Lolimac that story is hilarious, really made me smile. I wish I could have some, but there is enough chaos here already I think :yay:

              Hope @shiney is okay and gets his computer sorted. @moyra - I hope your leg and shoulder ease up today for you. I know it's not a cure all but sometimes I think the sunshine at least lifts the spirit a little which makes us feel a little better.

              @Beckie76 and @Lolimac I will have to spend more money in Aldi now that I'm not seeing Dianne, sort of like comfort eating, but with plants (although I won't eat them) some "horticultural retail therapy" will help things along I'm sure. I shall report back later.

              Oh, and I fully admit to showing off here, I've got a smart watch! It controls my phone and does everything the phone does, but strapped to my wrist. I can even take a phone call on it and wander around the field with Baldrick whilst muttering at my wrist and looking even madder than usual :roflol:

              Anyway, have a good day one and all, very misty here in Medway, it was fun watching Baldrick appear out of the mist earlier, his ears flying back in the wind, ready for take off, like the luck dragon, lol.

              Happy Thursday all :SUNsmile::SUNsmile::SUNsmile:
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              • LyndaG

                LyndaG Super Gardener

                Feb 6, 2015
                @shiney I was just reading the above posts re crepe bandages for your leg - do you have a Poundland close by? I bought crepe bandages in there, for my knee, but they are different in that they stick to themselves (despite not being sticky!) so you don't have to bother about pins etc and you can have them as tight or loose as you wish. I can't praise them highly enough, they were amazing. If you don't have one nearby and would like to try them I am happy to pop in and get a couple and post them up to you later today? Just let me know. I thought they were a great idea x
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                • Lolimac

                  Lolimac Guest

                  Good morning everyone,

                  Shiney....Pleased to see it's you're computer that's playing up and hopefully not your leg:pcthwack:
                  Hmmm that doesn't sound right does it?:rolleyespink: Hope that is fixed soon too:thumbsup:

                  Lynda...Sorry your friend wasn't on form but as you say it wouldn't have been safe for Phil to be exposed to any lurgys.Hope you get to catch up soon:thumbsup:
                  Your Watch sounds rather fussy :thumbsup: I couldn't be let loose with one of those though,I have enough trouble using my old mobile phone:doh:I'm not good with gadgets:heehee:

                  I had the same 'carry on' with the chooks again last night:rolleyespink: This time Lily and Fern were locked out:doh:Did the usual shining the torch so they would follow the light,gently slid the door open to be greeted by Mabel who had got herself proper comfy sat right in the doorway on guard duty.I gave Mabel her final warning:old: " stop being so nasty and let your sisters go to bed" she answered me back which sounded like it could be unrepeatable:whistle: and with that Lily and Fern squeezed through the door trampled over the top of Mabel and got settled down. They're certainly little characters :chicken: :wub2:

                  It's looking like a beautiful day again (I know a song about that),enjoy it everyone:thumbsup:
                  Off to the Workhouse shortly then my weekend off:yahoo:

                  Have a great day everyone and take care:SUNsmile:
                • wiseowl

                  wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                  Oct 29, 2006
                  Philosophy of people
                  Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                  Morning not to well at the moment but will post when I can,have a good day my friends:smile:
                  • Friendly Friendly x 2
                  • moyra

                    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                    Sep 17, 2005
                    South East Essex
                    Morning everyone,

                    Still no Shiney, if I was that bit nearer he could have borrowed my lap top! Hope his leg is improving.
                    Loli, your lovely hens what characters they are. Is this a set to about those that you brought in to go with the ones you had left still being not properly assimilated. Bit like us lot with our immigrant friends. Fearful to trust everyone.

                    WOO do be careful of this fog this morning don't want that going on the WOO family's chests - it doesn't look good. If you are walking Penny please be careful as I shall have to be with Amber as my chest and lungs are still not right.

                    Eve, hope you are achieving all you wish at home, must be difficult backwards and forwards between there and Eastbourne. Hope your Dad will keep safe from this rotten sandy fog.

                    Becky and Lynda hope you both had a good day at Aldi yesterday. I wonder what goodies you managed to pick up.

                    Have a good day all, Zigs, hope you are ok down there, stay safe and when it comes enjoy the sunshine!
                    God bless.:wub2:

                    • Friendly Friendly x 2
                    • lost_in_france

                      lost_in_france Total Gardener

                      May 28, 2013
                      Morning all

                      Beautiful sunny day, now that the fog has cleared

                      Sorry you're not too well Woo. Wishing you better soon

                      Thanks for the good thoughts for my Dad, Moyra. He's in hospital at the moment for a few days as he had a bit of a kidney infection so hopefully safe from the pollution. More to the point, you be careful of it when out with Amber. You've had enough problems lately without the pollution getting into your lungs :grphg:

                      Hope Shiney sorts out his computer problems soon

                      Lots of good thoughts to all, hope it's a sunny day for everyone
                      • Friendly Friendly x 2
                      • shiney

                        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                        Jul 3, 2006
                        Retired - Last Century!!!
                        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                        Aloha everyone,

                        Thanks, Zigs for updating everyone. :blue thumb:

                        Thanks to all of you for your good wishes. I haven't had time to read any of the threads properly yet as I now have 68 emails to plough through and Mrs Shiney has over 100!!!

                        EDIT: what is below was typed Thursday and then the glitch came back!! :sad:

                        The computer had a glitch and its doctor was on holiday. It took him all of 3 minutes to fix :doh:. Apparently there was a bit of corruption in the boot sector (probably leather boots :heehee:) and it all seems sorted now. Sorting that and the last job he did for me cost me two Naga plants :biggrin:.

                        He's hoping it will stay sorted but he's taking the machine away, on Saturday, to give it a good talking to. :) Saturday is good for us as we're having the electricity cut off whilst the leccy company prunes a load of trees. They reckon it will be off from 8 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. :rolleyespink:

                        My wound is gradually getting better but is very sore when I try to get walking after having sat down. I found some old lighter pressure stockings from when I had the DVT and have been able to get one onto the bad leg. The ankle is still badly swollen but it doesn't hurt much now :blue thumb: I've managed to get that stretched over the wound as well.

                        I've been getting quite a bit of gardening done whilst hobbling around. Yesterday a cut a new edge to some of the lawns

                        EDIT: glitch returned here. Friday now. Computer going to hospital tomorrow.

                        the edging I did was about 100ft and varied between 1" and 6" removed from the lawns.

                        Going to carry on today. I think I may still have about 500ft to go. At some time I want to put in the bean canes. That's another long job and not easy on my back and shoulders.

                        Have a great day :biggrin:

                        • Friendly Friendly x 2
                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                          Computer keeps freezing - and it's a warm day :scratch: :heehee:

                          I don't know when I'll get it back from hospital. So have a good weekend. :biggrin:
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                          • wiseowl

                            wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                            Oct 29, 2006
                            Philosophy of people
                            Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                            Good evening @shiney what time are the visiting hours:heehee: have a lovely weekend my friend:smile:
                            • Funny Funny x 2
                            • moyra

                              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                              Sep 17, 2005
                              South East Essex
                              Good morning everyone,

                              This site seems to be playing up a bit this morning something about a long playing script? Your guess is as good a mine.

                              Have a good day all, hope all poorlies are on the mend. I'm off to take Amber for her walk.
                              God bless. :wub2:

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