Yawn Yawn, Wakey WAKEY...!! 2015

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fat Controller, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. LyndaG

    LyndaG Super Gardener

    Feb 6, 2015
    I was going to say good morning folks but as it's 9.20pm I'll just say hello, lol - just looking in as I haven't been online a lot in the last day or so, it's been utter chaos here - My back gate was badly damaged in the recent winds. Then yesterday somebody broke in and stole my 3 best roses in their pots. Luckily they didn't steal my Rosa Mundi so I'm pleased about that. Then tonight I thought Baldrick was sitting with Phil, he thought Baldrick was out back with me. When I came in we realised he was with neither. A big search ensued. Nothing. Frantic panic on my part. Then luckily I saw a flash of fur going past the broken gate. He had escaped then couldn't find his own gate to get back. He was running back and forward, panting and his eyes were all bulgy. He looked terrified, bless him. He has never been in the back alley before, it is restricted access and padlocked so we don't really use it. Only today I found it lying open and secured the lock again. It doesn't bear thinking about if I hadn't seen it and he made his way out into the street. He's asleep next to me now, none the worse for his solo adventure. I wish I could say the same about me, lol :0) Have a good evening everybody x x
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    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      :phew: @LyndaG ...Thank goodness Baldrick didn't venture further afield :phew: He must have been as worried as you:grphg:...pleased he's back home safe:doggieshmooze:
      That's a shame about your Roses,hope the thieving swines bother to look after them....:th scifD36:
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      • LyndaG

        LyndaG Super Gardener

        Feb 6, 2015
        Thank you @Lolimac, he has been a bit subdued and has just been to the garden before bed and came in again very quickly! My roses will end up at the boot fair, it's a certainty. That's why I NEVER buy planted ceramic pots there, it's obvious they've been nicked, we have had whole streets cleared of ceramics around here!
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        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Aloha everyone,

          Lynda, sorry to hear about the loss of your plants and the trauma re Baldrick :grphg:

          I've dealt with the 22 emails that came in overnight from distant parts :) and will try and do my posting on the forums before the emails from home arrive. :biggrin:

          A bit of a busy day today. Tree surgeons are coming at 7.30 to mutilate the willow :sad:, Tom is coming back this morning to sort out the niggly problems are still plaguing the computer and then it's bridge club in the afternoon. So no gardening today :noidea:.

          The only thing that's a nuisance with the computer is that I can't access my photo storage software as the glitch that happened seems to have affected that as well. Tom is trying to get hold of an updated version of the software as the disc that I have of it is over ten years old. The photos are OK (apart from the fact that I can't do any uploading of them), we just can't load the software.

          Yesterday's family gathering went really well and there was a lot of 'do you remembers...' going right back to being evacuated during the war :old: :heehee:. When we have these family events mobile phones and electronic devices are banned. :thumbsup: If you need to make a phone call, it rarely happens, you have to leave the room. We spent most of the afternoon sitting in the sunshine in the garden and my sister was allowed to have a phone with her as she expecting to be a great grandmother any moment. :wub2:

          We're all meeting up again next weekend at the Tate. :blue thumb:

          I'm pleased to say that the swelling of my foot and ankle has gone down a lot :hapydancsmil:. The wound is bothering me this morning but I think (I hope) it's the dressing that has got a bit stuck to the wound. I'll have a shower to ease the dressing off but can't do that until Mrs Shiney wakes up, as I don't want to disturb her.

          The sun is coming up :dbgrtmb:

          Have a great day :biggrin:

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          • wiseowl

            wiseowl Admin Staff Member

            Oct 29, 2006
            Philosophy of people
            Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
            Good morning all,enjoy your day and take care my friends:smile:
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            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              Good Morning everyone, Just walked Amber, nice morning out there but still on the chilly side.

              Loli, I hope you shake off that remnants of cold, I am still coughing and choking here too.
              Shiney, glad you had a good time with all your rellies. I hope your bandage comes off your injury without opening up more.

              Lynda sorry to hear about your roses, makes you sick doesn't it but because we have open fronts cannot put anything in pots outside out front door. Neighbours have had theirs stolen.

              Have a good day everyone, stay safe and warm and above all try and keep well.
              God bless. :wub2:

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              • Lolimac

                Lolimac Guest

                Good morning everyone,

                Woo...Hope you're feeling better:thumbsup:

                Shiney...Sounds like a great evening get together,I could sit and listen to 'do you remember' sessions for hours,the things you get reminded of when you'd almost forgotten them and then they lead on to the next memory...marvellous:dbgrtmb: The phone idea is a great one,next time I have a girls night in I shall remind them about it:blue thumb: Two of the girls are constantly faffing with their phones when they reckon to be listening to conversations and they've been told on many an occasion how rude they are:old:...Damn things get on my wick...
                I remember holidaying in the IOW some years ago and going in a pub where on the door there was a notice up saying "all mobile phones to be switched off"...there was a charity box on the bar and if a phone went off they had to put £5 in it:yes:...if they did that everywhere the charities would never go short these days....

                I've been searching for a clip that was put on GC a couple of years back of flowers opening to music,can any of you remember it? I've seen one or two on the internetty thingy but not that particular one,I can't remember the name of the music either:doh:

                It's looking to be a cracking day out there:SUNsmile::SUNsmile::SUNsmile::dancy:

                Waves to all,enjoy this lovely sunshine and take care:SUNsmile:
              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                Loli, with a big committee that I'm on, all mobiles have to be left in a basket by the door before the start of the meeting. :blue thumb:

                I think that I put the clip up that was flowers opening to music but can't remember where I got it from. :doh:
                • Informative Informative x 1
                • moyra

                  moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                  Sep 17, 2005
                  South East Essex
                  Hello everyone,

                  Been a glorious day today, but I am still chilled. Steve has a friend coming round for a darts practice tonight so I shall be in my room either in bed early or on here, there is nobody around late so probably will take myself to bed early. We are having a Chinese tonight should be delivered fairly soon. Amber has had good walks both this morning and then lunchtime on blue wore her out and yet she was still ready for me to go out with the ambulatory to take her onto the green and throw a few balls for her.

                  I hope Lilianna is feeling better and of course any one else who is under the weather, Shiney hope that leg is much better. Take care all,
                  God bless.:wub2:

                  • Friendly Friendly x 1
                  • shiney

                    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                    Jul 3, 2006
                    Retired - Last Century!!!
                    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                    Aloha everyone,

                    Moyra, I hope you warm up today. It should top 75F this afternoon. :SUNsmile:

                    Lili, wish you lots better :grphg:

                    My leg is definitely improving but the dressing still gets stuck every day despite using one that has a smooth side and putting a lot of antiseptic cream on it. It's surprising how ultra sensitive you get in these circumstances. I'm dodging out of the way of people with shopping bags just in case their bag brushes my leg and have to be careful not to brush past shrubs etc. in the garden. Anything that touches the wound is painful but, otherwise, it doesn't bother me much at all now. Ankle and foot are a lot better :blue thumb:

                    So, things are going well, apart from having bad cramp this morning at 3.30 - left calf and right thigh. At least it took my mind off other things :heehee:

                    The willow tree is now half the size it was. They did a good job but I'm pleased I hadn't yet got around to cutting new lawn edges to the bed underneath it. They've trampled the edges right down and it will be very hard to make the new ones. I'll have a go at that today.

                    Today I shall be spending quite a bit of time just moving the sprinkler around. It takes about half an hour just to get the hose to the front garden, fix the extension hose to it and set up the sprinkler so it's doing the right areas without soaking Mrs Shiney's patients when they arrive :) It's not a difficult job but just takes time. It takes five minutes just to walk from having attached the sprinkler to the hose, walking to the tap, turn it on (struggling past the trays of plants near the tap) and walk back to the sprinkler to adjust the spray pattern. :phew:

                    It must look quite funny when I move the sprinkler to another part of the bed, or a different bed, as I don't want to waste the time turning it off and then back on again and then readjusting it. So I try to move it whilst attempting to avoid getting soaked. :doh: :snork:.

                    I'm organising a friendly tournament tonight so need to get the paperwork done this morning.

                    Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

                    • Funny Funny x 1
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                    • wiseowl

                      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                      Oct 29, 2006
                      Philosophy of people
                      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                      Good morning Shiney and all my other friends ,welcome to another day in paradise:heehee: I do hope you are all feeling good this morning,have a great day and look after yourselves:smile:
                      • Friendly Friendly x 2
                      • Phil A

                        Phil A Guest

                        Morning early people :)

                        Sun's out here and the birds are singing, looks like it's gonna be a nice one.

                        Have a good day everyone :)
                        • Friendly Friendly x 3
                        • moyra

                          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                          Sep 17, 2005
                          South East Essex
                          Good morning everyone,

                          Certainly does look like it is going to be a lovely day and at last I may actually get warm.

                          Have a good day all, keep your cool and enjoy the weather!
                          God bless. :wub2:

                          • Friendly Friendly x 2
                          • Lolimac

                            Lolimac Guest

                            Good morning everyone,

                            Shiney,I'm just picturing you trying to move the sprinkler:heehee:....quick ,quick before it goes the other way:biggrin: Good to hear your leg is doing well,you were lucky there:phew::blue thumb:

                            It's been glorious here since sunrise but the clouds are rolling in so it looks like my local weather man with the supercilious grin may well have got it right:biggrin: it's still very pleasant though:blue thumb:

                            The words of the lovely Beth Chatto are ringing in my ears this morning.."Right plant right place" so I'll be moving my Shineyland Aruncus, although doing OK would be happier in a more moist situation .I do push my luck sometimes ,putting plants where I want them:rolleyespink: only to have to move them for them to be happier..

                            It was all quiet here but sounds like Mabel has just clocked on at the egg factory:chicken: she's a noisy old bird...

                            Have a lovely day everyone and take care:SUNsmile:
                            • Friendly Friendly x 3
                            • lost_in_france

                              lost_in_france Total Gardener

                              May 28, 2013
                              Morning all

                              Beautiful sunny day, and already quite warm. Might give my legs an airing this afternoon :heehee:

                              Heard the first cuckoo of the year this morning, everything is very early this year. Nearly all the tulips are in full bloom already

                              Have a wonderful day everyone.
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