Yawn Yawn, wakey wakey !! 2015 mk 2

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Phil A, Apr 17, 2015.

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  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends have a good day and take care:smile:
  2. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Good Morning everyone,

    Sun shining but it is jolly cold out there!
    Have a good day all, take care in the garden, God bless.:wub2:

  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Aloha everyone,

    I hope you are all well.

    @Zigs I hope the move went well.

    My wound is still healing :blue thumb: but under the foot was a bit of a problem yesterday with walking around a lot. Doesn't feel too bad today and Mrs Shiney will check it when she changes the dressing.

    We had a really good time in London at the Tate Britain. Being Sunday it was a fairly easy drive up there (struggled a bit with some of the one way systems that didn't used to be there in my day :old:) and parking was free.

    My cousin gave his usual wonderful tour for the 26 of us with very interesting insights into the characters and places in the paintings, and the life and times of the artists (including the scandals and dislikes of the artists). He also explained about the layout of the paintings in the galleries and why some had been sited very well and others hadn't (he'll be writing to the manager of the gallery with his criticisms and suggestions :whistle:).

    Eighteen of us went to the pub (Morpeth Arms) along the road for a very good late lunch. I'd booked us in to make sure we could sit together and we were given an upstairs room over looking Millbank, the river and the iconic MI6 building. Excellent food at reasonable prices :dbgrtmb:

    We didn't get home until 7 p.m. when Mrs Shiney immediately went into the garden to water the greenhouse and nursery areas and to do more potting up and didn't come in until 9 p.m. I also worked hard by immediately making a cuppa and putting my feet up (Mrs Shiney's orders) :heehee:

    No gardening for me today. I have a meeting from 9.30 until 1 p.m. (we have sandwiches and tea whilst working) and then have to drive 20 miles for a bridge match that starts at 1.30. :phew:

    The heavy frost has burnt off in the sun :SUNsmile:

    Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Morning early people :)

      All went well ta, not much to move really.

      Sun's out here :SUNsmile:

      Have a good day everyone :)
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      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Good morning everyone,

        Shiney sounds like a smashing day out you had and really interesting :blue thumb: You're cutting it fine getting to the Bridge match,no driving like Stirling Moss :biggrin: Go steady:thumbsup:

        Ziggy...Pleased the move went well:blue thumb:

        I'm having to hang about waiting for the chooks to 'deliver' before I can set to and give their house a good 'do'..I'll get a right telling off if I disturb them:old::chicken: This afternoon I'm at a talk and training session on Dementia.It will be interesting but I do sometimes wonder who comes up with these ideas ,the science bit is all all well and good but putting things into practice is a different story,when I question them about it(I can't resist) they seem to skip over it,bit like politics really:rolleyespink:....I need to check the times though because I've forgotten :doh:I do right doing Dementia training don't I:whistle:

        Sun's out:yes: and it feels a tad warmer than of late:thumbsup:

        Waves to all,have a good day and take care:SUNsmile:
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        • strongylodon

          strongylodon Old Member

          Feb 12, 2006
          Wareham, Dorset
          Cold and frosty start here but I'm off out, see you later.
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          • Beckie76

            Beckie76 Total Gardener

            Jan 26, 2015
            Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
            Good morning my gardening friends :).
            I hope you have the wonderful bright sunshine :SUNsmile: which we are blessed with here.
            Thank you for all your kind words & hugs, I'm starting to feel better but the garden isn't the same without my Little B :frown:, I'm going to get some more hens in a few weeks. :)
            We were at a 70th birthday party yesterday, I had a fabulous time, just what I needed. We went into Cambridge, first we had nibbles & drinks, followed by punting then lunch, :ccheers: I might have had a few too many glasses of wine! :heehee: But I'm sure it did me more good than harm! :partytime:
            I managed to water the garden & put in another row of potatoes before we left to go to the party. Everything is greening up, even the grass is looking half decent now :blue thumb: I think I just need a few more plants for the boarders :heehee:.......well you can never have enough plants! :heehee:. I'm itching to put out my tubs & baskets but daren't, it's still to early if you ask me, the front porch is very full & looking more like a greenhouse! :heehee:
            I bought myself 2 new pots & somemore compost at the weekend so hope to get those planted up during this week. My tomato plants need pricking out & the sunflowers could really do with going into the garden now, it's nice to have so many garden jobs to do, I so love this time of year :yes:.
            I'm really looking forward to Mr & Mrs @shiney open day not many weeks to go now :hapydancsmil:
            Have a lovely day everyone :) xx
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            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              Hi Everyone,

              Been a lovely day but the wind was cold. Hope everyone is ok, Shiney look after that foot.
              Have a lovely evening all, God bless. :wub2:

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              • LyndaG

                LyndaG Super Gardener

                Feb 6, 2015
                Hello folks of GC. A somewhat late check in to YYWW, I've had a couple of hectic weeks with Phil being under the weather and trying to find time to fit in the 5x50Challenge etc etc ad infinitum!

                Just been checking up on what I've missed. Hope your ribs are better @Lolimac, that really slows you down a lot, eh? Get well soon. @Zigs, glad the move went well, always a stressful time x @lost_in_france a very happy belated birthday to you, sorry I missed the day!

                @Beckie76. I am very sorry to hear your sad news and especially sorry I wasn't on here when you told the group. It was clear to all of us what a great chicken mum you are and I am in no doubt that B had a lovely life. Sending love and light to comfort you today x x x

                Gardening wise, I have managed to dig over the flower patch and plant all the seeds. It's in the lap of the gods now!

                My strawberries, pine berries and gooseberries all have flowers on now, I'm delighted as they appear to be steaming ahead :0) The vertical pouches are up and planted, the hanging baskets as well and little bits of colour appear to be popping up every day. This truly fills me with joy!

                Hoping everybody is well, god I miss this place when I can't check in! X X X
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                • Lolimac

                  Lolimac Guest

                  @LyndaG ....Hope Phil is feeling better and you're not wearing yourself out with the 5x50 challenge,:phew:...Hope Baldrick is keeping you on the straight and narrow:doggieshmooze:

                  @Beckie76 ....Our lost chooks do leave a huge gap don't they:chicken:...:grphg:....It's very sad to lose them but I'm sure some new additions to the flock will be just the ticket,when you're up to it:thumbsup: Little B has left some lovely memories behind:dbgrtmb:

                  Maybe you should have had the drinks after the punting:heehee: sounds like a good time was had:thumbsup:
                  • Friendly Friendly x 2
                  • wiseowl

                    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                    Oct 29, 2006
                    Philosophy of people
                    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                    Good morning all my friends have a lovely day and take care:smile:
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                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      Aloha everyone,

                      I hope you're all well :blue thumb:

                      We're getting busier as we get nearer to Open Day and I'm ending up with more outside things that also need doing :doh:

                      I now have a list of 18 non-gardening things I need to get done before opening the club after lunch. So not much, if any, gardening will get done today.

                      Whilst I was out yesterday Mrs Shiney picked up a small blowaway on Freecycle and I put it together when I got home in the evening. It didn't have any instructions with it and it wasn't exactly fun trying to work out how the parts fitted as the side panels had holes in them to, obviously, fit a lot of different blowaways! I, logically, laid all the parts (22 of them) on the ground so I could study them. Then Sarafi decided to help, and moved them all around! :hate-shocked: :heehee:
                      He thought they were great fun because the metal bars rolled very nicely.

                      The morning frost is going and we have, yet again, a very sunny day. So it's sprinkler time again.

                      Have a great day :biggrin:

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                      • moyra

                        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                        Sep 17, 2005
                        South East Essex
                        Good Morning all,

                        Lynda, wishing Phil well and go easy on the 5x50, still not exactly sure what that is but it sounds heavy going.

                        Looks like it is going to be a lovely day still a lot cooler than it was. Have a good day everyone, God bless. :wub2:

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                        • Lolimac

                          Lolimac Guest

                          Good morning everyone,

                          Hope everyone is on form this morning:dbgrtmb:

                          Never got around to cleaning the chooks out proper yesterday because Mabel was making a meal out of laying her egg,I asked her to get a move on but she just answered with some expletives ,that's what it sounded like anyway:rolleyespink:...I waited for as long as I could but then I had to go out so I'll get it done today:dbgrtmb:

                          Shiney...I'm sure you're really busy with the open day approaching :phew: the watering is a task in itself..Up here in these parts I've never known it be so dry this early in the year,it's taking up a lot of time keeping everything happy:rolleyespink: I've 4 large water butts and not a drop in any of them...I'm probably tempting fate saying that:doh:

                          Lovely and sunny here yet again but as you say @moyra ,not much heat in it,I can't wait to start complaining that it's too hot:biggrin:

                          Take it easy everyone and take care:SUNsmile:
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                          • moyra

                            moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                            Sep 17, 2005
                            South East Essex
                            Loli, that Mabel of yours has certainly got character! Lol.:loll:

                            A couple of weeks ago our grass areas were all sodden now they are cracking up with the dryness. :wallbanging:
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