General Election: Who the hell am I going to vote for???

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Val.., Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Dips

    Dips Total Gardener

    May 10, 2014
    just to throw my 2cents in on Russell Brand

    Lots of young people i know that follow or like him like him because he is just a bit of a dick and enjoy his comedy. Not sure why, i have never found him funny but each to their own

    The biggest thing that russel brand talks about that appeals to younger people is the war on drugs and decriminalising drug use.

    The war on drugs is a massive issue for people of my age and younger. What we are doing currently is not working and that is one thing i do agree with russell brand on. if you watched any of the free speech debates on bbc3 each time the war on drugs came up with pushes to decriminalise drug use and legalise cannabis at a minimum for medicinal use but lots want complete legalisation so that they are not prosecuted and it takes it out the hands of dealer and supply can be quality controlled

    I know lots who vote green because of the cannabis issue

    What makes me laugh tho is most only think cannabis use should be decriminalised and not other drugs.

    Anyway this is a massive issue on which voting is based on. people are crying out to have safer cannabis for personal use. People dont want to be smoking stuff laced with sand and glass etc

    Unfortunately its something most politicians wont talk about. The leader of plaid cymru did which made lots of people i know want to vote for her but in birmingham you obviously cant. Ed milliband fully dismissed it and wouldnt even have an intellectual debate on it. So on this issue as well russel brand is being a bit iffy and Im not sure those who feel strongly about the war on drugs will listen to him saying vote labour after Eds reaction to it.

    The last group of people that like russel brand that i know of in person and listen to what he says generally dont have any interest in politics, have no information on it, have no interest in educating themselves and learning about how the economy works and taxes etc They like him because he makes broad sweeping statements like the police are a problem which appeals massively to some people i know who think all police are scum and that is final. They wont even entertain the idea that not everyone in the police is bad and that you get good people and bad people in the all walks of life. To them the police are scum, everyone in authority is not to be trusted and is out to get them etc etc and unfortunately Ruseel brand loves making broad sweeping statements like these that just fuels hatred and distrust.

    Honestly I personaly thought we would have learned by now not to make broad sweeping statements about people who have one thing in common be it race, occupation, hobby, hair colour etc Which is a major reason why I do not like russel brand because he makes statements that are broad and sweeping and tarnish certain groups with the same brush rather than creating informed arguments and just including the word some.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      Not overlooked at all - Milliband will be approaching anyone and everyone he can to garner support, both political and financial; that goes without saying, he's a politician and that is what politicians do - most especially at election time :) It is, after all, his job!

      Naturally, the people who come under scrutiny at such times will be, a) the people the politicians focus on and b) their response and their motivations behind such responses. Mr Bland is unlikely to be the only person Mr Milliband has approached during this campaign - but not all of them who have been approached desire to be in the media spotlight and nor do they set out to sway public opinion one way or t'other.
      Mr Bland not only wants it known/shown he has been in dialogue with the Labour Party Leader, but he is trying to sway public opinion on the back of it :) So it should come under scrutiny! How could it not?
    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      This argument is flawed - and if they did their research they would understand just how and why. Legalising something does not make it necessarily "safer" or purer. It would simple co-exist with illegal counterfeits. Just as happens with currency, alcohol, tobacco, toys, branded goods etc., etc.
      • Agree Agree x 2
      • Disagree Disagree x 1
      • Dips

        Dips Total Gardener

        May 10, 2014
        Obviously but not totally flawd at the moment you can only get cannabis from drug dealers. You do not know what they have done to that product you dont know what you could be smoking

        Having a regulated industry would mean you can buy regulated cannabis knowing what you are smoking is safe just like alcohol

        If you choose to go for counterfit stuff then you know what you are getting is not going to necessairly be safe

        You would have the option for safer drugs tho

        Or you could grow your own for personal use and know exactly what type it is and what has gone into it
        • Agree Agree x 1
        • rosebay

          rosebay budding naturalistic gardener!

          Mar 5, 2015
          Full Time Person....OK, pensioner!
          Somewhat ironic that what you accuse him of doing, i.e. making broad and sweeping statements, you have also done here re. why he is popular. Your post misses out on other key attractions to him - for example he is very keen on reforming drug addicts. Did you know that Brand has the opportunity to change the hearts and minds of policy makers? He was invited to give evidence before the Home Affairs Select Committee investigating the efficacy of current drug addiction treatment in the UK.

          Also he wants to change society fundamentally and it is his revolutionary stance that attract young people.

          There is much more to this flamboyant man than most give him credit for. Admittedly he is an easy target since he is flawed but his influence cannot be so easily dismissed.
        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          But that can only happen *if* you know it is counterfeit ... and by the nature of the trade ... you wouldn't necessarily *know*.
          As for "safer" drugs ... the whole reason they are not legal is because they are not deemed "safe".
          And let's not forget either, there are prescription drugs - a regulated industry - out there that has a black market trade.

          From the debates I have seen, where the issue of legalising cannabis comes to the fore, it is not people with medical issues that are promoting its legitimacy. It is youngsters who are pushing for it because they wish to use it for recreational use. The "medicinal" reasons are not at the front of the argument.
        • Dips

          Dips Total Gardener

          May 10, 2014
          I made no broad sweeping statements i was talking about the young people i know who like him read my post again i said people i know in person and the war on drugs is a big issue for a lot of young people

          And i said he wants to decriminalise drug use. I didnt realise i had to go on a explain that means not sticking drug addicts in prison and rather giving them help and rehab. I thought that went eithout saying if you know what he is about

          I personally think he thinks he a clever than he is that is my personal opinion and i am entitled to it.
          • Informative Informative x 1
          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Well, he doesn't seem to have a great deal of influence on the children who seem to take an interest in politics! The children's newspaper First News have run a poll and Labour have done very badly - only 20%. Cons - 40%, LibD - 18%, UKIP 9%.

            Their poll had 5,000 votes whereas the other polls only need to have 1,000 votes (which is all they do) to be considered a good sample.

            • Informative Informative x 1
            • Dips

              Dips Total Gardener

              May 10, 2014
              Actually there are lots campaigning for medicinal use. I would welcome medicinal use with open arms as i have no prescription drug choices left with my illness. Only one but it causes spina bifida in babies so im not allowed it while of child bearing age so next step is trying to get steralised so its an option

              The free speech programmes have had a whole show on medicinal canabis. The girl who took on ed on there wants it as an option for those who are sick and need it.

              people want cannabis to be sold in shops like cigarettes and alcohol so you would know.

              The arguments to weather cannabis is safe or not stem down to the differences between hash and skunk and the THC levels and the other compound that i cant remember the name of right now

              Cigarettes arnt safe, alcohol isnt safe and causes plenty of people problems and kills

              So i personally dont like hypocritcal arguments on it and right now Im very sick today and unable to walk and have 3 different headaches going on at once so can we please not get into a debate on cannabis. Im not well enough today but will happily another day

              My post was just pointing out that The war on drugs is something a lot of young people care about and want changing
            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              Please note that I do not show, in any of my posts, which party I think should be in power. Although I don't think much of Russell Brand it doesn't mean to say I don't support his ideas.

              It's quite uncomfortable siting on this fence

              • Funny Funny x 6
              • Like Like x 1
              • "M"

                "M" Total Gardener

                Aug 11, 2012
                The Garden of England
                I was only responding to the topic you introduced Dips ;)
                I am a mother who has had two of her children's lives irreparably broken through drugs, and the people who promoted them, and that won't change any day.

                Wishing you well and hoping you have a better day soon.
                • Friendly Friendly x 2
                • Informative Informative x 1
                • Dips

                  Dips Total Gardener

                  May 10, 2014

                  sorry M im just struggling today otherwise i would so be up on an intellectual discussion on it. i really would

                  But right now i just want to be shot lol
                  • Friendly Friendly x 1
                  • longk

                    longk Total Gardener

                    Nov 24, 2011
                    I read an article (I think it was in the Guardian) and RB said that the reason for his volte-face is something that Milliband said. That thing was that EM said that politics should be driven by the people. They were basically saying the same thing hence his decision to back him . As RB says, it is vital to get the tories out.
                  • longk

                    longk Total Gardener

                    Nov 24, 2011
                    I'm sorry to hear that. I knew three promising people who were lost to drugs and it is tragic. I used to party hard too but I was fortunate enough in that drugs never ran my life but were there for "fun". If making a tit of yourself is fun?
                    I firmly believe that all drugs should be legitimised and controlled by pharmacists at sensible prices. Taken out of the hands of criminal organisations they will not be pushed, just readily available without the need for criminality. If they are an accepted part of society the aura of "coolness" (what a strange paradox, they are so not cool) would disappear. Having lived in Amsterdam I can confirm that far fewer Dutch youths are interested in weed than their British counterparts.
                    • Agree Agree x 2
                    • Val..

                      Val.. Confessed snail lover

                      Aug 2, 2010
                      Hay-on-Wye, Hereford
                      I totally agree with this, I don't really see that drugs are more dangerous in excess than alcohol.

                      Looks like we might be getting it here in Wales :) perhaps the rest of the UK will follow suit.

                      • Agree Agree x 1

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