I killed a luck Badger, and general moans to get off me chest

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Jack McHammocklashing, May 7, 2015.

  1. Jack McHammocklashing

    Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

    May 29, 2011
    Ex Civil Serpent
    Fife Scotland
    Hi All, Totally off topic, but I need to get it orft me chest
    General background, My wife is totally disabled, and at the moment I after retirement, have also developed a walking disability A.S
    Basic state pension, small Naval Pension, and not a lot of savings
    Time for some happy time, due to movement difficulties, it was all down to a nice cruise, most of the savings, but at least on a ship there are no cobbled streets, kerbs or hills to negotiate

    Thursday 03:00 drive to airport for 06:30 flight Edinburgh to Paris, Paris to Genoa, ship sails at 16:30
    Parked car at 04:00 transfer to airport, new system for terrorist security, transfer is no longer to door just 500 yards up that hill sir, travelling light as in no hand luggage so hands free to assist wife
    Two cases and wife sorry Julie on trolley up to airport departures, Good morning Sir etc, Wheelchair assistance will take you to boarding, just wait in the disabled area and the porters will take you to board (No facilities, no access to the café areas) sat there for an hour and a half, and taken on board 06:10 for 06:30 take off AIR FRANCE
    Sorry people but our Lady Pilot has contacted us and called in as unwell, so we will be delayed thirty minutes
    08:00 excuse me but we need to get off, as the flight will not make our destination in time, Not possible Sir/Madam, and with the tail wind forecast, the flight will not be that late please have this free glass of water.
    We are ready to go now, but we have obviously missed our slot, so awaiting take off, 08:25 OFF we go, arriving at CDG airport Paris at 11:00, missing connection to Genoa by two hours

    At CDG excuse me but the next flight to Genoa arrives four hours after our Cruise ship has sailed,
    No problem Sir we will phone them and ask them to wait
    ME Sorry but a cruise ship with two thousand people on is not going to wait four or more hours for two people to arrive, we need to return home
    We phoned Sir and you are right they will not wait, you are to pick the ship up in Gibraltar two days late,
    We do not fly to Gibraltar Sir, we have arranged for you to stay overnight in Paris, fly to Nice in the morning, then on to London Heathrow, for onward journey to Gibraltar
    Me Oh well it is better than nothing, Right Sir/Madam, we have arranged that, Now you just need to pay us £1300 for the flights and £200 for the hotels
    ME Sorry ? Just take us back to Edinburgh (at least we will be where we know and access to computer etc) OK, That will just be £580
    ME no just take the cost from the onward journey to Genoa that we did not get, All hell broke loose, but eventually nineteen hours later we arrived from where we had left
    Contacted our travel agent, who arranged overnight accommodation in Edinburgh, a flight to London Heathrow, and onward flight to Gibraltar (FREE) British Airways
    The travel agent had booked us into the Rock Hotel Gibraltar, the best on the Penisular, as we had a day and a half to wait to pick up the boat, AIR FRANCE had advised and confirmed they had returned our cases
    YES there were NO CASES
    Now we were upset, but slightly pleased as we used to live in Gibraltar and the Rock Hotel was the bee's knee's of living, still in the 1930's colonial age WOW this is living Julie as we sat on the Veranda looking out over the harbour, in our two day old clothes
    Unfortunately the travel agent had BOOKED the hotel NOT PAID FOR IT :-(

    GIBRALTAR had not changed, still living in the 50's, It was now 17:30 Saturday and living in the 50's all the shops where we hoped to buy some clothes were now SHUT, and of course do not open on Sundays
    Saturday night was spent in our white complimentary bath robes whilst our clothes and underwear were washed and dried on the wonderful balcony we had always dreamed of

    Still Sunday was good, we got a pensioners bus ticket full day travel for £1.40, a chemist supplied toothbrushes and razor at a price

    We joined the Cruise Ship at 18:00, Your luggage Sir, err non
    Two days sail to the Canary Islands
    I asked if we could buy some of the ships crew supply clothing, but they do not carry any

    The Maitre D was most impressed when we turned up at the Gala dinner in Polo shirts and jeans :-)

    Most of the Ports of call were in the evening when again shops were shut

    AIR FRANCE on enquiry advised us they could not find the ship, so had sent our cases home but no one was there to take them, so were holding them at HQ PARIS

    Today we flew home from Genoa to Paris to Edinburgh, but had to pay £1136 as they had used our return tickets to return us to Edinburgh on day one

    Still at least we are now back with just the small problem of NCP Edinburgh wanted paid again as we had overstayed twenty minutes
    OH and our medications were off course in our cases

    Sorry for the rant, but I had to get it out or CRY

    Jack McHammocklashing
    • Friendly Friendly x 10
    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      :hate-shocked:...Oh Jack so sorry you had to go through all that when all you and your wife were doing were going on a lovely holiday,the safest thing I can do is send a big :grphg:to you both because to reply with my views it would contain many swear words and I'd get banned:mute: It's a disgrace:mad:
      • Agree Agree x 2
      • Friendly Friendly x 1
      • westwales

        westwales Gardener

        Feb 18, 2012
        10 miles from the coast in the rainy west
        Jock, so sorry to hear the saga but glad that you did enjoy aspects of your holiday. Surely you will be able to claim on your travel insurance? That's what it's for after all. I hope you can, good luck.
        • Friendly Friendly x 1
        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          Blimey Jack, they could make a film out of that lot :grphg:
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • Funny Funny x 1
          • Val..

            Val.. Confessed snail lover

            Aug 2, 2010
            Hay-on-Wye, Hereford
            Oh Jack what a total nightmare!! Hope it wasn't too bad being without your medications. :frown:
            Hope it helped also to get it off your chest, ALWAYS glad to 'listen' :grphg::grphg::grphg:
            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • Freddy

              Freddy Miserable git, well known for it

              Jul 15, 2007
              Retired - yay!
              That's terrible Jack, what a catalog of errors/bad service! I've been on a few cruises and all have pretty much gone like clockwork. I think I'd be looking for all my money back. You don't need this, no-one does.
              • Like Like x 1
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              • mowgley

                mowgley Total Gardener

                Aug 16, 2005
                Wanna be gardener
                Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
                So sorry to hear this but what a absolute balls up @Jack McHammocklashing
                Make sure you get a claim in against everything!
                • Agree Agree x 1
                • Informative Informative x 1
                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  Hi @mowgley

                  Sorry to hear of your problems. :grphg:

                  Follow @mowgley 's suggestion.

                  I have a few questions, if I may? Bearing in mind that I may not be up to date on consumer law nowadays.

                  1. Was the whole cruise and flights booked, through your travel agent, with the cruise company?

                  If yes, then you should be able to get all your additional costs (within reason) from the cruise company (through your travel agent) as the cruise company is responsible for getting you to the ship. Under The Package Travel Regulations (PTR).

                  2. If not, was the cruise and the flights booked with the travel agent?

                  3. If yes, did they state in any of their paperwork that the flight and the cruise were not part of the same booking?

                  If they didn't then you should still be covered by the PTR and the agents are responsible.

                  4. If they did state in their paperwork that they were totally separate bookings you may still be able to claim some of your costs under the Denied Boarding Regulation (DBR) as your flight was cancelled.

                  If you think you have a case and the cruise company or travel agent won't do anything then you may have another recourse before going to the Small Claims Court.

                  5. Did you pay at least £100 through a credit card?

                  If yes, then the credit card company is jointly liable under Section 75 of The Consumer Credit Act.
                  • Informative Informative x 1
                    Last edited: May 7, 2015
                  • JWK

                    JWK Gardener Staff Member

                    Jun 3, 2008
                    Blimey Jack, what a terrible tale :(
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • Lorea

                      Lorea Wine drinker

                      Apr 16, 2012
                      English teacher
                      The Basque Country, Northern Spain
                      Crikey Jack! I was worn out just reading that catalogue of disasters! :thud: Let's hope you can at least get some form of compensation. :fingers crossed:
                      • Like Like x 1
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                      • merleworld

                        merleworld Total Gardener

                        May 30, 2011
                        Gobsmacked - what a dreadful balls up of epic proportions. I hope you get your money back but that doesn't make up for all the messing about when it should have been a lovely relaxing holiday :grphg:
                        • Agree Agree x 2
                        • Friendly Friendly x 1
                        • Jack McHammocklashing

                          Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                          May 29, 2011
                          Ex Civil Serpent
                          Fife Scotland
                          Thank you all

                          To Shiney, thank you
                          1. No, the travel agent booked individually making a package, Not a full package from Crusie line
                          2. Yes
                          3. Not clear
                          4. Unsure,will check when all paper work is collated
                          5. All payments made on credit card, and paid off in full after five days to clear any debt
                          I do not like credit, but use the card for possible protection

                          Paper work everywhere at the moment, Bank says Travel insurance would pay £625 to each of us for missing cases, (I think they will then pursue the airline)

                          Cases arrived tonight intact :-)
                          One good thing, whilst we were flying about Europe chasing the ship, the ship was going through a right hooly, and over seventy percent of passengers and crew were on the BIG WHITE TELEPHONE TO DEITY :-)

                          If we get the advised monies for the cases, it will cover most of what clothes we could buy
                          I never in my life thought "I" would pay £97 for a polo shirt, Julie managed to get a swim suit in the ships Boutique a snip at one full months pension :-)

                          Oh well "It will be a holiday remembered" and only one of sixteen cruises where things have not gone to plan "Life's a Bitch and then you Die" "Worse things happen at Sea" :-)

                          Regards All Jack McH
                        • Jack McHammocklashing

                          Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                          May 29, 2011
                          Ex Civil Serpent
                          Fife Scotland
                          The Drinks package, eased the pain, better than the Morphine does :-)

                          Jack McH
                        • WeeTam

                          WeeTam Total Gardener

                          Mar 9, 2015
                          Southern Scotland
                          This has got to be why the phrase " needing a holiday to get over the holiday" came about.

                          The French eh , could`nt organise a P***Up in a vineyard ;)
                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                          Jack, I hope it all gets sorted. :blue thumb:

                          Was it your usual cruise line?

                          Just a word of advice to anyone taking a cruise that includes flights: try and do the booking where the cruise company organises the flights as well. They then become responsible for any delays, new flights and hotels.

                          Do I take my own advice? No! :dunno: :doh: But I always fly out some days beforehand and do some touring around.
                          • Informative Informative x 1

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