General Election: Who the hell am I going to vote for???

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Val.., Mar 19, 2015.

  1. marie131963

    marie131963 Gardener

    Feb 1, 2015
    Medically retired ex Pharmacy Technician
    Oh I see we are all in it together they are laughing all the way to the bank good day or bad day, I expect employed by the end of the week by those influences that pay for questions despite what is good for the public. They look after number 1 today yesterday and always!
  2. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    Well I know one thing, the man who would have been in charge of the countries purse strings ( Ed Balls) is not even a member of the British parliament anymore.... Says it all really.
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      Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2015
    • rosebay

      rosebay budding naturalistic gardener!

      Mar 5, 2015
      Full Time Person....OK, pensioner!
      "Would have been"....i.e. is now not.
      • Funny Funny x 1
      • marie131963

        marie131963 Gardener

        Feb 1, 2015
        Medically retired ex Pharmacy Technician
        You can guarantee the mangers never go but yes they sack every little job. My husband has worked in the NHS since 1992 loyal service. In that time he has done well got promoted then a change of government, reorganise to make efficiencies that department went out to tender. He moved sideways as a supervisor in medical records was good at his job, guess what savings need to be made lets do away with medical records we will computerise it. He was put on notice of job risk given the NHS priority jobs, He got a place on NHS scanners. They had him there a year he met his targets and even more than expected but not quick enough they sacked his boss and sent it out to private tender. Job at risk then he gone into another post a grade below what he gained bare in mind admin are low paid he has been there two years, Guess what they want to merge the who region finance there will be redundancies. guess whose job is at risk. When my husband was in medical records 12 people got an alternative job of equivalent grade or less. the other 68 got made redundant no longer paying in the system and you have to give redundancy pay. You are right too many managers make one expensive bill but why get rid of one manager when you get rid of 500 little wages. I do not know how they do it they keep the big managers even in failing departments. Bare in mind I have worked in The countess of Chester, The Royal Liverpool, and Broadgreen university trust, The Liverpool Heart and chest, Liverpool women's Hospital and Mossley Hill Hospital, The royal Bolton hospital Bolton General Hospital, Aintree Hospital and I have been in NHS since1984 so I have seen various governments. Yes Labour made mistakes but on the hold they took better care of the NHS. The way the conservatives have changed the funding is just like the last time they where in power when they had GP fund holding practices. Surgeries had the choice to be a fund holder or not. Mine did not become one because it was all about making a profit for the practice with no regard to the patients needs. They give it back to the GP's again it never worked this time it wont work either. They stopped the good things like the Primary care centres and NHS direct with actual medical trained staff to help with organising exact medical need or advice. They have nurses working 12 hour shifts with no consistency in whether they had done an early or a late yesterday. This will lead to mistakes and then compensation in the long hall. They will train student nurses but then when they qualify they cannot employ them they don't have enough experience, they don't take them on to build experience they employ some foreigner who cannot speak any recognisable language and who has the personality of a dead duck. I was in hospital for 6 days in November with pneumonia, they never managed to get my meal once that I ordered, I have a reflux issue and I am a coeliac with a swallowing problem that I can choke due to MS the only thing I was offered was Halal spicy food when I complained they came with cheese and crackers in the end my family had to bring my food. I had to pay £7 per day for telly. My GP sent me in but waited in Reception for 9 hours for a bed. They never gave me half my drugs then would wake me up at some ungodly hour and have nothing for a coeliac breakfast to top it all my 15 item prescription I had to hand over for them to not give me doses was missing when home time I pay for my prescriptions luckily I pay an annual prepayment certificate or I would be mad. Ironically I did not feel that bad and would have been happy at home.

        My niece is a GP in training down south. she has worked Christmas in casualty somewhere for the past 5 years

        I must admit I never liked Ed Balls and I have no idea why they picked ED Millarband I would have preferred his brother he had more charisma most people did not like the Leader choice. Most of us just want a down to earth person who believes in people, has a passion to make things better, who can admit when they get it wrong and one of the people who understand the publics issues. Lets hope they do better next time. I would like Andy Burnham to stand for leader he cares about people and will admit when he is wrong but I guess being a scouser he won't fit in with the southern and posh people.

        I am really bothered about healthcare. They where talking today how they want to devolve health care to the areas that have a mayor e.g. Manchester. That involves the councils being responsible for health care and social care, they said all the money is spent on people with chronic health conditions staying in hospital that they could stop all that. Nice for people like me not! I never chose to get sick and its not my fault I have multiple health conditions I paid my dues for 38 years. or if they go insurance I am up the creak without a paddle. Even the MS society insurance won't issue me for a 10 day holiday to Europe. I had to go with a specialist insurance £390 for that time. my flight and accommodation was almost the same price. I have paid all those years and then they can change the goal post can you see me getting insurance for care in our hospitals even if they give emergency treatment in A&E and charge for appointments I don't drink or smoke, I am over weight but I am on steroids a lot of the time will they say no go fat person Its fine and dandy if you are well but I am sure you know someone poorly and sooner or later most people get ill, paying when you are in work is inconvenient what if you have to pay out your retirement pension its about a 3 rd of your normal salary would you be happy to pay.
        If you thought cuts where bad when in coalition where ok you must be living a comfortable life I wonder if you will feel the same if the turn their cuts on all those councils who have been protected from such vicious cuts when they eventually get round to your area. We have already received 58% of cuts no wastage left after the other 42% in which they destroy Liverpool they have to turn somewhere else do you feel safe.

        I like that YouTube video The Cameron Rap sums him and his party up the party of the mother f***ers

        The reason the country had a big deficit was because the bank crisis. The money was used to bail out the banks to save the peoples money being lost and access to money disappearing, riots, and unrest in time the shares will recover value and can get money back but they will be sold a low price to the governments friends to all get rich. Just like the post office nonsense
        • Agree Agree x 2
        • longk

          longk Total Gardener

          Nov 24, 2011
          Much as I luv ya Anthony you're wrong on this. People have been hoodwinked by the Bullingdon Bullys' confrontational and aggressive style...................

          Worse, the national debt has double since the tories got in..............
          Current UK National Debt Numbers
          Gross National Debt
          FY 2015* £1.36 trillion
          FY 2014 £1.26 trillion
          FY 2013 £1.19 trillion
          FY 2012 £1.10 trillion
          FY 2011 £0.91 trillion
          FY 2010 £0.76 trillion
          FY 2009 £0.62 trillion
          FY 2008 £0.53 trillion


          Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling reacted quickly to the global banking crisis and were lauded by the IMF for doing so. Their strategy became the model that was used by most of the western world. The total made available totalled £500 billion (although £100 billion of this was actually already in place) in the form of;
          a] £50 billion in hard cash bail outs (secured against shares)
          b] the balance being made up by underwriting essential interbank loans and infrastructure lending.

          To ease the hardship in society VAT was reduced (meaning less tax revenue) along with quantative easing. Add increased benefit payments as a result of the resulting recession and you can see what a tightrope it was.
          Sadly the Eton Wallies through a smokescreen of unemployment figure manipulation and lauding the inflation figures (which now teeters on the brink of deflation) have conned the public into believing that near doubling the national debt proves economic competence.

          Hospitals? We used to have three general hospitals in Oxford. One was closed and the money from this was diverted to the other two. Huge extensions were built and all equipment throughout is state of the art.
          The other hospital in Oxford is a specialist orthopaedic hospital which was also included in the total refit and extension program.

          Charisma don't make brains. But as charisma does seem to be the prime requirement sadly. Gordon Brown was potentially the most competent PM this country had in a very long time but because of his total lack of people skills never had the chance to prove it.
          • Agree Agree x 7
          • Ian Taylor

            Ian Taylor Total Gardener

            Nov 1, 2013
            Maintenance Manager, Oddfellows on the Park.
            Cheadle Hulme
            What about this the Cons are planning to get rid of 1st Btn Gurka Rifles.

            In a bit we won't have any armed forces left, we have the headbangers in Syria ISIS , the lunatic in South Korea , Argies threating over the Falklands and Russia flexing its muscles. Its a more dangerous world we live in now

            We don't even have a Aircraft Carrier till 2020.

            If anything kicked off we would be stuffed.

            I agree we have Trident but thats coming to a end.

            We couldn't retake the Falklands as you need air support for the ground troops.

            When I served in Afgan we always moaned about not having good kit, its going to be worse in the future. We used to get pinch stuff off the Yanks.

            Rant over
            • Agree Agree x 3
            • longk

              longk Total Gardener

              Nov 24, 2011
              Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't people who have left the forces still classed as reservists for two years? I have no doubt that if it does kick off the Eton Wallies will expect the very people that they made redundant to go off and risk their necks again.
              • Agree Agree x 1
              • Ian Taylor

                Ian Taylor Total Gardener

                Nov 1, 2013
                Maintenance Manager, Oddfellows on the Park.
                Cheadle Hulme
                Its 5 years.
                I'm just coming up to 5 years so I'm afraid your stuck with me :hapfeet:
                • Funny Funny x 5
                • mowgley

                  mowgley Total Gardener

                  Aug 16, 2005
                  Wanna be gardener
                  Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
                  On a lighter note ;)

                  When David Cameron turned up at Buckingham Palace yesterday the Duke of Edinburgh answered the door and said..

                  "Oh **** it's you, I was hoping for the Farage fellow"

                  David Cameron has vowed to create a million new jobs during his new term as Prime Minister.

                  Too right.

                  Those food banks won't run themselves, will they?

                  I'll get my coat :sofa:
                  • Funny Funny x 8
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                  • Val..

                    Val.. Confessed snail lover

                    Aug 2, 2010
                    Hay-on-Wye, Hereford
                    VERY funny!!!! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
                    • Like Like x 2
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                    • longk

                      longk Total Gardener

                      Nov 24, 2011
                      You're always welcome to join us in the Tooting Peoples Army Mowgley.............
                      • Funny Funny x 3
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                      • Val..

                        Val.. Confessed snail lover

                        Aug 2, 2010
                        Hay-on-Wye, Hereford
                        Looks like fox hunting will be legalised again, :mad: not that it ever stopped anyway!!
                        • Agree Agree x 1
                        • Charlie996

                          Charlie996 Gardener

                          Jan 10, 2015
                          Retired Builder
                          The Vale of Evesham

                          We do pay insurance its called National Insurance and we pay whether we choose to or blooming well not ! Trouble is unlike many insurances it seldom pays out or at least its unlikely you will be happy with your policy...
                          • Agree Agree x 1
                          • longk

                            longk Total Gardener

                            Nov 24, 2011
                            If he is arrogant enough to try it I reckon that there will be enough dissenters in the tory ranks to embarrass him.
                          • Ian Taylor

                            Ian Taylor Total Gardener

                            Nov 1, 2013
                            Maintenance Manager, Oddfellows on the Park.
                            Cheadle Hulme
                            Unlike over here in America you still have to pay insurance when you retire, my sister in law pays $110 a month out of her pension.
                            • Agree Agree x 2

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