Yes Val. We have one. And yes, they work well. We would recommend. WE still use the big mains job. For a quick sweep, Ideal.
It,s the latest Dyson DC50. Only use it about twice a week and the Gtech every day. Sorry I was so long answering Val.
Yes Val i have one it has changed my life Vaccuming with my little dyson was so diffcult for me and used up so much energy but i can now vaccum so much more easily with the gtec It also picks up cat hair better. I have both the upright and hand held. I use the handheld for sofas and stairs and then the upright for everywhere else Its so light and easy to carry up and down stairs too Its the best thing ever! Also so much easier to empty than the dyson cylinders and you make less mess emptying it
Thanks @Dips, I like the fact it is cordless as I don't have many plug points in my house. Still fancy a Roomba though , my Vax which I purchased about 18 months ago was given to the refuse men last week!!!!
ah noooo thats no good I had a vax before when i was at uni and it wasn't great at all but then i did buy a really cheap one not having to plug it in is brill I have the same problem lack of plug point i use to have to plug the vacuum into my porch to be able to vac the living room whats mental is you don't realise how much time and energy you use unravelling a cord plugging it in and then winding it all up again. its so much quicker when you eliminate that
And then realising that where you have it plugged in the cord isn't long enough to reach where you want to vacuum!!! so then you unplug it and start looking around for somewhere nearer to plug it in, which usually means unplugging something else!!! My Vax wasn't cheap but as I think I mentioned before, the brush unit was sealed, no way into it!!!! so when it got well tangled with pet hairs it was useless!!! so it got stood outside with the trash which is exactly where it belonged!!!!
proper annoying. The brushes in my vacuum just get clogged with my hair and not the pets i have to sit there cutting it out. i swear you could make a wig with how much of my hair get wrapped around the brushes. Im always amazed i have some left on my head
Years ago I owned an upright Hoover vac, like the one in the pic. I must have had it 20 odd years and when the motor slowed down I had it re-conditioned with a new motor and off it went again for about another 15 years. The motor eventually burnt out. But d'you know the brushes never got clogged.