Hello I am not sure what this is. My search leads me to think it's Calathea but not entirely sure. I was only searching as I was hoping to split the root ball up. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Hi Rob, Definitely one of that family ( Maranta/Calathea/Ctenanthe/Stromanthe), I would personally say a Calathea. I notice you have some brown leaves/leaf edges, that's due to the air humidity being too low, remember to mist/spray everyday. Now is the perfect time to divide it and pot up the plants separately. When you've potted them up it's best to keep them covered with a clear bag or something to keep the moisture in (as you would a cutting), and keep them warm for a couple of weeks until they look as though they're established.
Thanks both. I've never misted it in the 3 years I've had it and always wondered why it had crispy leaves ha. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk