Hi all, Was wondering about which activities you do most throughout the year, which do you spend most of your time on? From looking through previously posted threads (Basic tool kit, what's your favourite gardening implement and what job are we doing in the garden today) I see that everyone has their favourite tools, but are the favourite ones also the ones most used on a daily basis? I am curious about this as I am making a survey as part of a PhD research on gardening tools for an ageing population. In this research it is the idea that, with the right tools, gardening is a healthy activity, so if we can provide people with the right tools for certain activities, they will get a lot of healthy exercise. I have made this quick list of activities + tools that might be most used, based on the ones mentioned most in the reactions in the threads. But as this is from my own deduction, I'd like to get your thoughts on whether this list needs to be different and in which order we should put the activities. digging with hand troweldigging with spadedigging with forkweeding with long-handled hoeweeding with hand forkpruning with secateurspruning with lopperspruning with shearsmowing with hand mowermowing with powered mowerwatering with hosewatering with watering canHow about things like garden knife, strimmers, hedge trimmers, should these be in the list or do you not use them that much? I'd love to get your thoughts on this, hope you can give me some insight here
Do you know what i use a lot of is my garden stool its one that can be used as a kneeling pad with handles so you can pull yourself up but also as a stool I use it loads for pruning roses and lavender and pots of stuff. I also use mini seceteurs the most out of everything because they are much nicer to hold and lighter and better for quick pruning jobs As my body functions more like that of a eldery person these make my gardening easier. Oh and light plastic trugs they make life easier too Most of my work is just pruning and weedings with a hand trowel
Thank you for replying! Shouldn't have posted this and then gone straight to vacation, totally forgot I posted this here.. Have heard people mention garden stools more often, perhaps the kneeling/bending is one of the more relevant areas to focus on, being essential and quite difficult for many? Or is it better to make tool that don't require bending and kneeling: long-handled tools for example, what do you think? Love the reactions btw, funny bunch here on the forum!
I would say personally i prefer using hand tools and kneeling down to do stuff than have long tools to do it because then your hunched over and it affects your back more imo it just makes the work harder rather than easier