What jobs are we doing in the Garden today 2015

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Phil A, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    OMG..... Where did you get that pic from, I thought I'd destroyed every copy.
    That was last sat night and it was supposed to have never been mentioned again.....
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    • Sheal

      Sheal Total Gardener

      Feb 2, 2011
      Dingwall, Ross-shire
      Wet summer Anthony? I live in one of the wettest parts of the country and not just in summer but I still have to keep up with watering baskets and pots. Rainfall barely touches baskets because they are so close to the house and the nappy 'contents' will help if it works. :) This is the first time I've tried it so we'll see what happens, it's an experiment at this point. I wouldn't risk using it for food crops though.

      I don't need to use chemical sprays so that's not a problem for me and I think if there had been a reaction after feeding them we would have heard something about it or the chap who made the video wouldn't have released it. :biggrin:
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      • Sheal

        Sheal Total Gardener

        Feb 2, 2011
        Dingwall, Ross-shire
        With that smile it seems you were more than 'pampered'! :heehee:
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        • Anthony Rogers

          Anthony Rogers Guest

          Hi Sheal,
          I'm just gonna wait for everyone elses reports first (cluck cluck).
          One of the things I use is Provado and I know this can be pretty lethal stuff and is systemic so is in the plants system for up to 4 months at a time..

          PS... I couldn't watch the video on my phone :(
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          • ARMANDII

            ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

            Jan 12, 2019
            Not gonna be caught napping, eh??:coffee::snork:
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            • Ellie Jones

              Ellie Jones Gardener

              Aug 9, 2014
              Specialised Dementia Care
              @Sheal only have grass out the front and down the side of the drive with no plantage due to either it get nicked or trampled on due to being an modern open planned house on a corner plot which everybody seems go straight across the garden for a short cut:wallbanging:

              @fat controller thanks for that, I do like the hozelock one, no worries about whether it fit as my hose is a hozelock one according to the connectors... Shall pop down the farm store see if they have one if not I'll order one.
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              • merleworld

                merleworld Total Gardener

                May 30, 2011
                I've swept the patio (twice because I subsequently messed it up again :doh:) , moved some planters around, potted up a Rhodo, moved some more planters around, deadheaded some Rhodos, watched zillions of bumble bees flitting round the Rhodos (don't know where they've all come from this year but there have been tons), watered the Rhodos from the water butt and then sat out in the sun. For about ten minutes then got bored and did something else.
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                • Gay Gardener

                  Gay Gardener Total Gardener

                  Nov 16, 2011
                  The Wash, Fens
                  My allocated two weeks of concentrated get-the-garden-sorted work is doing me in :snooze:
                  Lot of pruning and cleaning up, getting the arbour area ready for laying the base on the weekend. Finally gave up growing any veg in the belfast sink, so now I have my first alpine sink planted up - one of the plants I put in it was the first plant I ever bought to put in a garden, still one of my favourites.

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                  • Dips

                    Dips Total Gardener

                    May 10, 2014
                    Finally picked up health wise :-) and the fleetwood mac concert was cancelled last night due to one of the band become unwell so i had written off this week for gardening as i thought i would be half dead but im well enough to get stuff done :-)

                    Got the pergola almost all blue altho im covered in a fair amount of blue paint too. Hopefully will get the first coat finished tomorrow


                    Planted a plant that arrived today

                    And gave lots of things a water :-)

                    Feels good to get things done
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                      Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
                    • lost_in_france

                      lost_in_france Total Gardener

                      May 28, 2013
                      Potted up the last window box and the last couple of Tumbling Toms. Went to the garden centre for some more compost and got a couple of clematis for the arch out in the front garden. None of my clematis germinated and the sweet peas are looking a bit feeble so gave in and bought something to climb up it this year. Then watered and watered and watered
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                      • Fat Controller

                        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                        May 5, 2012
                        Public Transport
                        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                        The material is pretty standard stuff, based on a sodium compound from memory (will try and find out for sure and post back) which has a given 'capacity' that it will absorb; once that absorbtion level is reached, any more water simply drains away.

                        Sorry, I didn't really explain it too well. Once harvested from the nappy, the material is actually still quite dry, and has not got anywhere near its peak absorption level - putting it in a receptacle and adding more water will bring it up to a consistency similar to lumpy wall paper paste. At this point you mix it with the compost - quantity is key though! Add it a little at a time and mix it through thoroughly, and keep adding until you have a nice crumbly compost that should be to all intents the same as a 'normal' compost mix - if it goes gluey or stodgy, you have overdone it and you need to add more compost. Because it is already at its peak absorption at that point, it wont accept any more water (or very little) so in theory even if it was deluged with rain, the majority would run off and drain away. The difference for me, so far anyway, is that because it doesn't dry out as quickly as compost alone, the compost retains its nice crumbly texture - compost alone or compost/sand/vermiculite mixes would set solid long before this particular mix is at all bothered.

                        I have had herbs in the mix for quite a while now (sage, thyme and coriander) and all three are thriving in their respective pots; I also sowed some cineraria silver dust seeds in 180 cell trays, where each cell is the equivalent of the 'small plug' size that you would get in the post from the likes of T&M; I have had a bit of a run at work, so I am well behind schedule now, but simply watering and feeding them in their current home is sustaining them really well (they are good size plants that will be going straight out in the garden before long); the cucumbers potted on into the mix at the weekend are looking thoroughly enthusiastic today.

                        That one I cannot answer, as I am trying not to let mine dry out - I have had so much trouble with baskets and pots of things like petunias drying out too fast on a hot day and I return home to droopy flowers in a solid brick of compost that then doesn't really want to know water for a while - I am working on the premise that the continual drip irrigation systems used by many public houses seems to give them remarkable displays, yet mine go great guns for a while and then turn pretty horrid. It is a situation that isn't helped one bit by the fact that my working day can go from seven hours to eighteen hours in the blink of an eye.

                        Again, I cannot give a definitive on this one - so far, Miracle Grow has been fine, and I will also be using tomato feed before long. I will endeavour to report back (and have no objections to PM's seeking progress reports, as I am a forgetful old fart at times :old:)

                        I understand your caution - I did a wee bit of research about the idea, and the chemical itself; I drew the conclusion that it is effectively the same as the swell gel that you can buy in garden centres or is sometimes already added to compost when you buy it.

                        By all means, keep tabs on my progress - I am happy to be a bit of a guinea pig for the forum; the ladies and gents on here have helped me a lot in the past few years, so if this is a way to give something back, I am more than happy :)

                        Beside anything else, I have not been happy with my pots/planters/flower-pouches etc for a few years, and basically I am putting it down to two things - moisture retention and nutrient retention; I am also working on the premise that if I am not watering every single day, then I am not washing all the nutrients out of the compost. The half basket on the wall by the door still isn't asking for any water, and at the moment I reckon it will be the weekend at the earliers before I have to give it a splash - everything planted into it is starting to get a bit of a spurt on now, so I can only assume at this point that they are happy.
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                        • Anthony Rogers

                          Anthony Rogers Guest

                          Hi FC,

                          Thank you for all the info, if I hadn't already done mine I'd have probably given it a go now.

                          What I might do is when the seeds I've sown now are ready for pricking out i'll give it a go with them.
                          • Like Like x 3
                          • Fat Controller

                            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                            May 5, 2012
                            Public Transport
                            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                            Got it - Sodium polyacrylate. The nappy filling is made up of more than just the powder though, there is a tissue type fibre that helps to sustain the moisture and not have it go all powdery as it does on its own. Here is an good video which shows the chemical on its own - - - this video comes with a bit of a warning though!

                            In this video, you will see a gentleman called Sir Professor Martyn Poliakoff of Nottingham University; the YouTube channel is called Periodic Videos, and he and his team have produced hundreds of videos all relating to chemistry. However, these videos are presented in such a way that even people who know next to nothing about chemistry (like me!) can understand the vast majority; the sheer enthusiasm for their subject, and the passion to pass their knowledge on is infectious. I have lost entire evenings watching these videos - - so much more interesting than the tripe you get on TV.

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                            • Anthony Rogers

                              Anthony Rogers Guest

                              Happy Christmas Lol

                              It was good that was :)
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                              • JackJJW

                                JackJJW Super Gardener

                                Nov 6, 2013
                                Community and Content Director
                                Clapham, London
                                Potted up the last salvia (nachtvlinder) and the fuchsia triphyllas. Then discovered the Astilbe are pretty much toast from the dry hot weather. I thought this might happen but surprised they suddenly went after looking so very healthy up to this point.

                                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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