What medical condition is this?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by borrowers, May 31, 2009.

  1. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hi all, I know I have friends on here who suffer from/know someone that has medical problems and I'm wondering if you can help.

    It is about someone I love very much & this is what has happened(although I wasn't told until recently)...

    Numbness down right hand side
    Lack of concentration
    Unable to move arm etc when he wants to - you know what I mean? He knows what he wants to do but his limbs don't do it!
    Limping on r/h side
    Co-ordination shot
    Eyesight not too good
    Speech slurred as if slightly drunk

    His doctor has said 'they don't think it's a stroke' and he is having blood tests next week and an x-ray soon (well he said x-ray, I wonder if it's a mri or something).

    I've tried to look up symptoms on search but don't know of a really good site where you can put in the symptoms and it will come up with an idea. I told him today that I have been searching & he told me that if I found anything to let him know. Bless him, I can't believe this is happening to him. He is 56 yrs old, very fit although a smoker & drinker. Very intelligent. Just retired which I thought was good cos he's worked since a young kid but now I think it's because of how he was feeling. He will miss work. He has been under alot of stress for the past couple of years in particular.

    Any ideas anyone? I am nearly 400 miles away so can't help as I'd like to but will be there in a shot if he needs me. Please try and think. Sorry to spoil your day with this unhappy thing but I know I have friends on here who will try to help. Thanks.

  2. Doogle

    Doogle Gardener

    May 8, 2009
    I would say it's a TIA (very minor stroke).

    My Father-in-law had almost exactly the same symptoms when he was staying with us. He came down one morning complaining, in a slurred fashion, that it had taken him ages to get his teeth in (and still hadn't managed to). The reason was because the right side of his mouth had dropped quite markedly which was quite obvious to us.

    This and the speech slur was enough for me. I called 999 and described the symptoms, lucky for us we have an Ambulance station at the top of our road and the paramedic was here about 60 seconds after I put the 'phone down.

    She took a look, did the Blood Pressure tests etc and suggested a TIA. Ambulance came and took him away to the local (well 20 miles away) Hospital where he stayed for a couple of weeks, they confirmed it was a TIA. We had him back with us for a week or two for R&R, and he's made a full recovery.

    Scared the sh*t out of me at the time.
  3. sweetpeas

    sweetpeas Gardener

    Sep 14, 2008
    I must agree with Doogle, I used to work in a care home and had a lady that one ocassion had a few a day, Not very nice

    Do all these things happen at once or on different days???
    As this would indicate whether it's one or multipul episodes either way he needs to keep on at the doctors.
    Has he made a full recovery???
    Is/was there a constant headache or change in personality???

    I'm asking these (and hopelfuly not scaring the hell out of you)as these are symptoms of pre-stroke that they don't normally tell you (definately not in the advert)about and I'm talking from expreience (not me but family and friends).
  4. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Thanks Doogle & sweetpeas,
    These symptoms have been for a while now. He has not changed in personality except for those that know him and recognise the slurred speech etc. I don't know why this has been happening and his doctor has not rushed him in somewhere - although knowing him he will not allow it! Have just heard from a family member who says his son saw him a week ago & he was at his retirement do and left after 1/2 hour. Didn't look like himself etc.
    No, sp, no recovery as he is still having problems. What could it be? I think it has to be a brain problem and that will really be the sh**s cos his ex-wife(although still very close) died last year with a brain tumour and she was only 54 and very fit, didn't smoke or drink. Lot's of pressure on him as I said.

    Doogle, don't think it can be that cos hes still like it. Any ideas?

  5. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    I think I agree with Doogle as well although, the symptoms sound similar to the ones my sister in law. She had an Aneurysm... Depending where they are you can have one for a while before it is discovered.. She had a very stressful Directors job she loved & had always wanted in a german car firm.. Her symptoms started gradually & slowly got worst.. The doctor didn't seem to concerned at first but sent her for all sorts of tests & an MRI scan..
  6. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    It certainly sounds neurological - all the symptoms of a minor stroke, but the doctor not thinking it is one and"doing blood tests" is a bit puzzling. Fingers crossed for your friend...and thoughts for you.
  7. Hec

    Hec Gardener

    Nov 1, 2007
    There are so many things that it could be that, despite your friend's ( and your) desire to know I don't think finding out all the things it could be would be very helpful. The best thing is for your friend to ask his doctor what he is being tested for. Usually doctors will (and they certainly should) tell you if you ask but they often don't volunteer the information as many people would rather not know until there is a proper diagnosis.

    I know in your (or his ) position, I would be looking up everything and anything too but I really do think asking the doctor is the best way forward, some of things it could be are so much more serious than others and random research will probably bring our the worst case scenario
  8. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    We have a friend suffering from a similar condition and our thoughts are with you.
    Doctors just keep using drugs in the hope things will improve but the poor bloke is so depressed we aren't sure if he has the strength to get through...He loves his cricket and I often tell a porkie to cheer him up...hope the Ashes is good news!:)
  9. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Thanks for all your good wishes & help. This isn't a friend, it's my brother. I really wish I could help.

    He has told me that he's going to the doctors tomorrow but the family member told me that it is with a consultant so I don't know what's going on! His eldest son is going with him so that's a good thing cos it's hard to take things in isn't it?

    Hope your friend does recover Pal - is it a stroke he's had? I too try to cheer my brother up by saying things like ' bet you don't have trouble holding your pint though do you?':) Unfortunately, he does!

    It's obviously got to be something with his brain but what exactly....? Anyway, thanks once again.

  10. Doogle

    Doogle Gardener

    May 8, 2009
    I really hope they sort out the diagnosis, there's nothing more worrying / frustrating than "not knowing". The 'key thing' is (IMHO) to provide support / encouragement to your Brother whatever the outcome. In my experience, there's nothing more true than "a problem shared is a problem halved".

    Take care
  11. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Thanks Doogle. I am there for him and he knows that. He said he will ring me this week but I'm going to have to restrain myself from phoning him tomorrow. He also has the support of his fiance and one of his kids, the others are pretty much a waste of space which hasn't helped what with everything else.

    What is even more ironic is that, apart from his ex-wife dying last year from a brain tumour, his fiance had a very bad car accident some years ago, was left brain damaged and had to relearn to eat, walk, talk etc. She gets very tired and then her speech gets slurred too, she has to have help doing certain things so the 2 of them are finding things tough at the moment I think.

    Life's a bumm*r sometimes isn't it?

  12. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Some of the symptoms are similar to M S but you will just have to trust the doctor,it's not easy the waiting game fingers crossed things turn out ok.
  13. Rhyleysgranny

    Rhyleysgranny Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    I think it's a bad thing to try and diagnose when you don't know all the facts and have or have not medical knowledge. Far too many variables. I sincerely hope all will be well. It is such a worry when you have distance between you and an ill loved one and can't see for yourself.
  14. fmay

    fmay Gardener

    Jun 24, 2006
    The doctors don't seem very concerned that it is likely to progress or they would be admitting him and rushing through the tests. See what the consultant says and push for some physiotherapy treatment to aid recovery.
  15. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Thank you for your thoughts. I have been good and not phoned today. Will wait for him to phone me. I was thinking maybe MS too but as has been said there are so many things it could be.


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