We may well get the third world trained ones - but, do remember, if we have them, their own Country/Countries do not - so their own Country gets even poorer service. Ad infinitum! Yes, we do pay for the UK trained ones education, but, we can't imprison them, so they are free to go where they wish. Also, you need to remember that, where ever they may serve, they will be gaining experience of the ailments of the Country they work in - that would be the same be they UK trained, or elsewhere. In medicine, experience can make a difference far more than initial training. Swings and roundabouts, @pete
OK so it would really cut the NHS budget if we stopped training any of them and just imported what we need? I know you cant imprison the ones we train here, but I do resent the fact that the NHS trains them and then they go get big bucks elsewhere. We used to call it the brain drain. But now its considered normal? And yes, I do agree that a lot of the countries where the Docs we get, could really do with then staying at home and sorting thing out there. I guess its the modern thing to just keep looking for a better place to live.
How modern are you calling/perceiving modern though? I recall the '70's (the "brain drain") was all about our top talent going elsewhere because of the tax rates being more favourable once you crossed a certain income threshold. What's new? Of course, now we are in what is called the "Global" economy ... but, were we ever in anything else? I think it is just a euphemism for being ever more entrapped in world trade agreements and ever more at the mercy of it!
Absolutely! But, do call in on day one ... because, by some standards, you need to give 7 days notice
Obviously, I don't know the details, but I have done a 7 day fortnight and this attracted a 25% increment. It could well be that they are still doing the same total hours in order to give 7 day cover.
I agree, but cant help thinking its all stepped up a gear or two from those days. It just seems very normal for everyone to just wander around the world looking for the best deal. A long way from those that paid £25 for a passage to OZ hoping to get a better life. Now they really did take their chances.
Every one deserves days off. To impose a 7 day working week for hospital doctors seems excessive and will probably be detrimental anyway, i.e. performance will surely suffer without the ability to recuperate. I am right with Jeremy Hunt with his concern for the 6,000 deaths that occur at weekends because of the current situation. It is atrocious! I am on a waiting list for a small operation and am very nervous lest it falls on a weekend. I am already anxious about the op anyway so will cancel if it is not a weekday. I am not sure what the solution is to this situation. Clearly something has to be done though.
Hi Rosebay, It doesn't mean that each doctor works a seven day week, it just means that for e.g. they would have a wed off and work sat instead. So there is seven day week working. I worked for over 20 yrs in catering and hospitality and it was expected of us with no extra wages etc. It was just counted as a normal shift. My answer to people who won't / refuse to work on weekends or bank holidays is please don' go to pubs/ restaurants etc as you're just being hypocritical.
Well a few years ago I was in hospital for a routine op. They managed to get me out on the Friday, which was lucky, as I was told if you dont get discharged on a Friday you are there until Monday because there arn't any doctors around over the weekend to discharge you. Stupid state of affairs as far as I can see when they often talk about not enough beds. I dont think doctors should necessarily work more hours, just work more unsociable hours, but would that fit in with the golf club. Maybe those that say no, should be encouraged to join the brain drain.
Hi Pete, ( sorry I can't do quotes)... Your last paragraph is exactly what I wanted to say. And, that is what they're being asked to do now ....
And the people just voted for more of the same. Or worse they didnt bother to get off their butts to go and vote for change. Us Brits are good at moaning but never act as one to change things.