RSPB Big Wild Sleepout - This Weekend !

Discussion in 'Wildlife Corner' started by CreakyJoints, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. CreakyJoints

    CreakyJoints Gardener

    Jun 10, 2015
    South East Scotland
    Is anyone here taking part ?
    Information here -

    I'm trying to persuade my sister, her partner and my 13yo niece to come over to my house tomorrow to camp out in my back garden. They are all very interested in wildlife and often go to visit wildlife reserves.
    When I asked my sister if they would be taking part in the Big Wild Sleepout, she told me that they wanted to do it last year but it would have cost them £70 to take part at our nearest RSPB reserve:hate-shocked:(RSPB LochLeven). She also told me that their garden isn't big enough for their tent so they can't take part at home.
    I suggested to her that they could come over here instead.
    I live in a rural area with an abundance of wildlife right on my doorstep :cool:.
    My plan is to set up our tents or a gazebo in my garden and start off by watching out for the bats (pipistrelle ?) flying over my garden at dusk. We will have a search around the garden for creepy crawlies, possibly set up a light to attract moths and look out for the hedgehog who visits every night.
    At some point, we will then go for a "bugs 'n' beasties" walk in the woods just across the main road from where I live. Hopefully, we will see some of the nocturnal wildlife in this area. There are lots of Tawny owls in the area and some Barn owls too. Plus, a good breeding population of Buzzards (I was actually chased out of a field by a buzzard a couple of years ago. I must have gone too close to a nesting site when I was out walking my dog. Mr or Mrs Buzzard kept swooping and screeching at me until I had gone a good distance away from where I'd been walking. All I did was stop to watch some hares at the edge of a wood :yikes: ! ). That means there is a good rodent/small mammal population in the area, so we will hopefully see some evidence of them too.
    After out "bugs 'n' beasties" walk, we will sizzle some sausages and toast marshmallows on the little garden campfire I'm going to have. :biggrin:
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    • Scrungee

      Scrungee Well known for it

      Dec 5, 2010
      Central England on heavy clay soil
      When my daughter was young, I rigged up our garden gazebo for an RSPB Garden Birdwatch by turning it into a 'hide' by building a low straw bale wall across the 4m front, then tying bundles of pea sticks to the vertical poles above the bales, setting up tables and chairs behind with clipboards, food & drinks, and she and her friends had a great time.
      • Like Like x 2
      • CreakyJoints

        CreakyJoints Gardener

        Jun 10, 2015
        South East Scotland
        That's a good idea @Scrungee :dbgrtmb:
        I usually do the Big Garden Birdwatch but it looked like someone was scaring the birds away this year. The birds would land on my feeders, then flutter off in a panic a few seconds later.
        I suspect it was the neighbour who lives in the flat/maisonette below me. We don't get on now because I asked them nicely if they could stop slamming their doors *please*. That was last July and they have been very hostile ever since. Now, they slam their doors more often and so hard that we can feel the building shake every time.
        Their back bedroom looks out onto my garden, so between suddenly appearing at their window and constantly opening then slamming their back door, the poor birds didn't get a chance to use my feeders this year.
        I now have a 6' fence around my back garden.
        Next year, I think I'll set up a gazebo and put brushwood screening around it to make a hide like yours :).
      • CreakyJoints

        CreakyJoints Gardener

        Jun 10, 2015
        South East Scotland
        My sister just sent a text to say they can't come over tomorrow, so I'll be on my own if I go out to do this.:sad:
        • Friendly Friendly x 1
        • Fern4

          Fern4 Total Gardener

          Jan 30, 2013
          The gardener of the house!
          Awww nevermind. I wish I was nearer as I'd come and join you. Sounds like fun. I love bats!

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