New Car

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by rosa, May 21, 2009.

  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Rosa, my heart goes out to you on this ... we have had Renaults since 1985 ... still do here, a 12 year old Clio. As you know, t'other half worked for Renault Trucks in IT so there's really no connection as such. We have had cars there, and our Clio here, does have electrical problems and has had since we bought it. However, on the overall I would say they are very reliable cars. When we sold the IoW propertywe left a Renault 21 as part and parcel with the furniture ... it was an ace car and we drove it here to Portugal and back (had a few electrical problems :hehe:) but in general I like the cars and marque.

    I much prefer my Peugeot 306 Cabriolet however ..... :yho:

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you Sweetie ... xx
  2. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    victoria thanks sweetie, ive never felt this upset over a car before in my life, hubby bought it for me as he knew i wasnt that keen on the big rover so he decided that i would love a sporty car and as you probably already know ive had 2 days of enjoyment with it, i love it dont get me wrong and i want it back in perfect running order, ive arranged for days out with my friends they are so looking forward to having a run out in it and to have all this, ive cried my eyes out today thats why my son in law has taken it out of my hands now, hubbys not happy either hes called me from africa tonight and hes never ever all these years heard me so upset about a car, its amazing and unreal that i feel like this, will let you know when i get it back.
    these renault cars when they have electrical faults they have to be taken to a renault garage as ordinary garages cant pin point the problems on them with diagnostic machines
  3. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Oh Rosa, I do feel for you. I know exactly what you mean about getting emotional about cars. I have only had about 8 cars in 30 years of driving and treat each one as a friend - although saying that I don't cosset them! Is that good or bad, lol.

    I've had a couple that have had problems, although in the early years it wasn't electrical like yours cos they didn't have those things! I used to be able to open the bonnet & fix one, I think it was the rotor arm that used to come off - long time ago & don't ask me what it did, I only know I could fix it, lol.

    I've actually only had 2 cars 5 years old, every other one was older! You get to know the querks they have and learn to live with them if not too disruptive. I do hope you get it sorted and it must be a relief that your s-i-l is taking control. Keep us updated with what's happening.

  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi borrowers, when my hubby called the guy were we bought it, he called from africa and asked what was going on he said theres been some misunderstanding and he also said to my hubby your wife knows more about whats going on with car than me hehe my son in law gets to know everything, hes calling his friend in the morning to see iff parts are in and when will it be ready, hes also going to call the garage were we bought and ask because of the inconvience of the warranty can i have another one.
    when we go to pick up the car hes taking me to his friends renault main dealer in newcastle to meet them so for future reference they will know me iff it ever breaks down again AA will be called and car taken to them.
    my friend has a renault talked to her today she doesnt take her car anywere else and said they are great and the main renault dealer is no more expensive than other garages and she gets a courtesy call when she comes home with car and hers is an R reg, she said how many garages do that with second hand cars.
    anyway will know more tommorow after son in law calls the garage.will let you know
  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    got some great news everyone car is fixed they have changed the fuel injection unit so im picking it up tommorow when garage calls to say hes picked it up hes also giving me another 28 day warranty for the inconvenience, im absolutely delighted and cant wait to go and pick it up tommorow weeee heeee thought i was dreaming when i saw the e-mail, he couldnt call me as my numbers at his accountants.
  6. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    Location: gods County of Yorkshire
    Rosa. That is splendid news.
    I have all my fingers crossed for you.
  7. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    thanks robert im so pleased its been a long time just cant wait to get in it and drive off now i will be able to go to my friends in berwick and show her the car
  8. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    arghh thanks peri, i just about lost my patience with them in the end, im just hoping its fine now no more of this and get in that mean machine and fly down the motorway hehe, will get some pics now when i get it back and im taking my new window stickers to put them on bought a great one with a ladies sandal on it in pink and white it says shoe-aholic on board, my friend said thats just me to a tee haha
  9. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Rosa, that's ace news:gnthb:

    Weather forecast is good for the next week or so too so I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunity to do cruise down the sea front with the roof down:)
  10. Doogle

    Doogle Gardener

    May 8, 2009
  11. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    thanks clueless and doogle, just waiting for phone call this morning to say its back in their garage then i will be off up to pick it up, hoping for great weather then i can get out in it with the roof down along the seafront.
    pleased ive got another 28 days warranty it just gives me peace of mind after whats gone on theses past 4 weeks, im also in the AA so ive not much to worry about, its just been one of those things that happens with these cars of today been all electrical.
    will put pics up when i get them might wait till next saturday as im off up to berwick then to see my friend and i will get her to take pics up there.
    thanks all for the wonderful comments and great concern over this upset ive been going through its been so great to hear so many positive comments and it kept me going and kept my spirits up dont know what i would of done without you all, linda xx
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    That's wonderful news Rosa that finally you will be able to use your 'new' car after this long wait. I hope the weather is hot enough for you can get your top off along the sea front...... that's bound to cause some heads to turn!:hehe:

    Enjoy it
  13. andybike

    andybike Gardener

    Jun 20, 2009
    totally agree,a complete dog.

    personally i'd have never gone near any renault new or used,they are as bad as fiats.
    i'd have gone for an astra convertible.

    i drive a 1995 n reg 1.25LX 16v zetec fiesta,its very reliable and passed the mot after a split cv boot was replaced.
  14. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    So, we haven't seen you mate. You must be off somewhere........ Give us some pics! Misty here isn't it but I'm sure you can put up with the top up just for now:)

  15. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi all got my car back its great running like a dream the owner of garage even took me to petrol station and filled my car up, no orange light now, he said anytime im not happy i can take the car back and he would even trade for another one but i dont need to as i like my sporty megane.i dont consider it a dog its just had a few faults and it was taken up to the main renault dealer and found the faults and did them.
    well now i can get out and about in it and it does turn heads hehe, will get some more pics borrowers

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