Garden design help

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by chipper, May 21, 2009.

  1. chipper

    chipper Apprentice Gardener

    May 20, 2009
    So I'm new to all this, I've been working on my lawn for about the last year and I think it's time to give the garden a full make over.
    I'm trying to just get an overall design for the garden at the moment rather than worrying about exact plants, as you can see from the photos my garden tapers off towards the end and I'm wondering what would be the best pleasing shape, I do have children so really want to retain maximum lawn area for playing but I love a nice garden so want the best of both.
    I'm a fan of simple modern contemporary designs.
    The blue sheet at the bottom is covering a playhouse that has a leaking roof, the soil infront of the conifer on the left hand side is probably were a wooden summer house is going, the wooden garden swing is getting chucked.

    I have two basic ideas at the moment, my first is a full border down the right hand side of the garden as shown by the red line roughly 18 inches deep, the second idea is to loose the border after the trees but I'm wondering if this would leave the garden a bit bare.
    I would then look at having a border down the left hand side were the garden swing is now, I'm just wondering weather to pull the existing plants out on the left hand side and start again?

    I do have the time to spend in the garden and we'll be here for many years so I really would like something special.

    Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.



  2. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    What a great space you have. I'd advise thinking long and hard about what you want to do as you might well change your mind later on.

    If you want to have a border along the right hand side, make it much wider - 18inches is very narrow. You could also divide the garden with a flower border/bed in the middle, or even two thirds of the way down and make a sort of secret space, shaded by trellis/climbers or shrubs. I am a big fan of dividing up sapce as I think it makes it look bigger, but also makes it look more interesting. A path down the middle, going under a pergola with climbers over it, leading into a shady arbour? Or a place for you to get away from the kids?!

    I'd remove that Leylandii though! Ruins the soil around, nothing will grow under it and lots of effort to to keep it looking smart.
  3. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    To get some more ideas for your 'special' garden it would be worthwile watching the Chelsea Flower Show programmes this week (also on iPlayer). If you are near I'd recommend visiting the RHS Wisley Gardens and have a good look at their model gardens for ideas on different styles and plantings. Also I'd highly recommend Hampton Court Flower show as it has quite a few practical garden designs on show. You don't have to copy a complete garden design, just pick out the things you like such as a colour scheme or a particular feature.
  4. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    I think the BBC website has a virtual garden design tool.
  5. Roscoepeko

    Roscoepeko Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 18, 2009

    How did you get on with your garden design love to see some pics work on the lawn was a real inspiration.
  6. chipper

    chipper Apprentice Gardener

    May 20, 2009
    Holy thread revival Batman.

    Nothings ever straight forward is it :)
    When I posted this last May I was due to have some builders build me an extension in the summer, my plan was to do the garden so the extension and garden were complete .
    The builders kept making excuses and putting the start date back so I decided to do the extension myself and just hire some brickies, so the garden got put on hold.
    The extension is now just about complete but a couple of months ago I decided to make a few changes in the garden, after the advice above I ditched the conifer but then bought a trampoline for the kids so that went there, a couple of weeks ago I also killed all the grass and decided to start again.

    So It's still a bit of a mess but when it looks better I'll post some pictures.
  7. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Head Gardener

    Sep 1, 2009
    "Pleasantly unemployed."
    The Tropic of Trafford, England.
    When you've kids, the garden has to come second. No point spending time money and effort on something, if you then start to worry about a ball being kicked into the borders, or sliding tackles ruining the grass.
    Plenty of time to get it right once playing in the garden gives way to other pastimes (some can be equally concerning to parents like one of our kid's interest; playing American Football!) It all comes along far too soon.

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