Some one please, PLEASE tell me why said specimen are SO b****y lazy?!?! I'm seriously thinking of advertising them in the freebies section - any takers??
Good afternoon @Cannyfullpots that's rather a generalisation, they are not all lazy only about 80% of them I put it down to all the rays that their young brains are soaking up ie mobiles phones,computer screens,phone masts Lethargy is a modern disease I think it comes under the name of chilaxing,and what you can do tomorrow,no need to do it today syndrome
It's like gardening, lots of careful nurturing and eventually they blossom into young people, just as Kevin became an obnoxious teenager overnight he will mature: Kevin becomes a man - Harry Enfield and Chums
I couldn't eat a whole one @Cannyfullpots . Teenagers are a lot different than they were when I was just a gal! . I think they spend far too much time on iPads/tablets etc & kind of loose the ability to comunicate, BUT all of my friends teenagers have grown through the difficult age & are now all delightful young adults , I'm sure yours will be equally as nice & hard working.
I have 3 teenaged grandchildren and my sons love that they think I'm cool but also are sufficiently frightened of me to actually do what I tell them to do. get your Mum to help? Also, it might help to make their bedroom door automatically close. Good springs will save you from seeing and seething!
Teenagers arent lazy its the adults that get too wound up about things and do too much too fast causing their brains to seize up causing frustration with life. So chill out ,pick up a computer game, open a chilled beer and stick a pizza in the oven and take a day off.
We're 2 down & a few to go They had a break from those rays yesterday when I surgically removed all of their devices Maybe thats the problem, no I wasn't. I worked from being 14. They have a pretty good diet - as for drugs, we are lucky in that respect as they wouldnt entertain them Thats brilliant - love Kevin May actually tel them to watch that They are lovely as far a teenagers go theyre just soooo lazy! See, we're "pretty cool" parents too (apparantly) so much so that the boys friends have created a waiting list on who is moving in here as soon as the next son moves out I love nothing more than playing guitar hero with a vodka in hand & a packet of nuts...only problem being, it then gets taken over by alot of teenagers
I agree with @rosebay, it sounds to me as if they are just normal teenagers. I know that I could sleep for England when I was a young 'un and if things didn't include music, sport or girls I really wasn't interested, just be there for them when required.
I've already had 2 go through teenage years - one is now working fulltime & other in Uni doing a degree. I'm always there for them, no matter what.
Im not lazy and im a teenager. Saying that my brain is that of the older generation i get looked at funny by my generation because i would rather be in the garden that "getting down with the kids" so i can see your fustration there @Cannyfullpots! Sent from my SM-T210 using Tapatalk
Well said, Beckie. I think us "grown up's" aren't as grown up as we like to think we are. The other thing we like to say when trying to be "grown up" is, while leaning back to look knowledgeable, is "Kids now are not like what we used to be, they've got it easy". when in fact we were no different when we were Kids in the way we thought and behaved. So don't let us "grown ups" kid you or anyone else!!!
I completely agree @ARMANDII i have to say that I get on with people a lot older than me (no offence to anyone im not saying your old but the majority of you are older than me ☺) because once they get over my agd i find they are loyal and don't judge. Like a lot of you guy's. Find something both generations like and enjoy and they will talk for hours and come back and talk again for hours. Mine is gardening and baking ☺ Sent from my SM-T210 using Tapatalk
As Kenneth John Freeman said about the problem with kids in 1907:- The counts of the indictment are luxury, bad manners, contempt for authority, disrespect to elders, and a love for chatter in place of exercise. …