We are all affected differently . I can't think of anything worse than having a ticking clock by the bed! Repetitive sounds drive me nuts! I have the opposite of a lot of people with tinnitus and that is highly sensitive hearing. If I'm in a quiet room at night, and have my watch on the table next to me, the faint tick of the second hand moving makes my tinnitus worse. I, also, can't be in crowded noisy places but have the opposite of Jimcub's situation. I can hear all the conversations and they become overwhelming.
I have had it for about 12 years now, a high pitched hissing (zinging) noise but I can cope with it as it is mainly noticeable in very quiet conditions. I don't know of anything that can really help.
I've had the high pitched tinnitus for years, mine was caused by driving tractors with uninsulated cabs that amplified the noise. Last weekend I had a cold and the tinnitus turned to a low hum, like a constant roar of wind. That's gone now, thank goodness as I kept having to check outside in case a real gale was blowing.
Tinnitus is mostly the tiny hairs in the inner ear that vibrate to make sounds which we hear, these when damaged never regrow in most cases so it's permanent. There are other causes which are semi permanent, I have a high pitched whistle and a roaring sound and to get to sleep I wear earplugs cutting out night time sounds otherwise sleep evades me.
I am useless in crowds,parties etc, all sound comes in one ear, no stereo, and I cannot separate them, especially if music playing, I can only hear the bass beat, so I shut down and people think I am anti-social.
Mine gets worse if I read about it, its like a high pitched radio signal ,very sensitive hearing I can hear a fly land,but it OK when I am concentrating on something else
Same here, even if a couple of people talk to me at once I can't decipher the words. Sometimes to appear less anti-social I'll try and second guess what people are saying by their expressions and body language, but that let me down badly once: many years ago at my little son's party one of the mum's arrived very late, now she was always very glum no matter what so I assumed she was saying something about a traffic jam causing her to be late. So a few big grins and thumbs up from me was a suitable response. Turns out she was late because her husband had been run over that morning. Luckily he was not badly injured and recovered fully, but every time I saw him after I always thought of that awful moment and none of the other mum's let me forget
I have the ringing in the mornings, also the pulsating feeling, popping, and if I'm really lucky they block up and I can't hear. Blocked up is best.!!!
I didn`t realise how much I lip read, until I was introduced to someone who knew what I was doing, after her first sentence before I could answer she commented, "are you deaf, you just lip read me"
Something I forgot to include, your diet could affect your Tinnitus. In my consultations with the Neurologist, she informed me of past cases she had treated, certain things that some people drink or eat that can increase/irritate Tinnitus. Too much Cheese, Processed foods ,taken in excess can increase, (in some people),Tinnitus. Coffee. She had a case were this person who was on constant night shift was consuming 6 cups of black coffee a night,to keep awake, his Tinnitus was going through the roof. He cut out the coffee and his Tinnitus came down to a level he could cope and live with. My old favourite Brandy. A couple of Brandy's is fine to get some people off to sleep, but when taken in excess,you may sleep, but when you awake your Tinnitus will be like an old Railway Steam Engines Whistle In Your Ears. .
What about the fly landing Now be serious Woo,sorry Val couldn't resist that one I am blessed with Anxiety from time to time and when that goes so does the tinnitus
Surely if this is a side effect of a medication, it couldn't have done any permanent damage to my ears? (desperate for some hope now)
Shouldnt think so val In theory if you stop the meds everything should return to normal obviously not always the case. It would be worth asking your doctor tho just to make sure I have tinnitus as its one of the many symptoms of ME altho for me one of the lesser ones