Tree suggestions please

Discussion in 'Trees' started by PinkFinger, May 15, 2009.

  1. PinkFinger

    PinkFinger Guest

    Hello all
    I always wanted a tree in my garden but with my lack of botanical knowldedge I am struggling to find one that will be happy in our garden and that will suit the garden as well.

    The garden is not very big but there is a corner where I can visualize it looking really nice. Only two concerns are 1- there is a manhole near the spot where a I want to plant it and 2 is near a couple of walls (house and garage). Obviosuly I dont want its root to damage either of these. Also the area where we live in is near-costal and other plants seems to be suffering because of the wind.

    I dont have anything in mind, I'd like something pretty but having to be practical about its size I will compromise on whether is evergreen or not/ produce flowers or not etc.

    I will try and get a picture of the spot I am thinking of and post it.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Harmony Arb

    Harmony Arb Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Hi PinkFinger

    It's so good to actually come across someone who actively seeks out advice on choosing the correct tree for their garden first, instead of someone who plants any old tree anywhere then has to deal with the consequences of their poor decision. I'm sure you'll get a few good replies about what's available to you, but please try local nurseries and garden centres as they may have staff there who are able to help. Also, take a look at what's growing naturally around you and see if you think they will fit your garden.

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