SOS! My calathea's very rapid decline...

Discussion in 'Other Plants' started by waiting for the weather, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. waiting for the weather

    waiting for the weather Gardener

    Mar 11, 2011
    Hi everyone,

    I was keeping a calathea (about 1.5 foot tall, a zebra one I think) in a cool, dark room. It wasn't doing too well and after a quick google I realised it was in the wrong place completely. I moved it to a bathroom about a week ago - bright but no direct light, steamy, but cold during the daytimes and when we leave the window open to clear steam.

    Since then, I've been watching it more closely, and I've noticed it's had a very rapid decline - within the space of 3 days, 3 leaves have gone yellow and then wrinkled up completely. 3 more leaves are going the same way.

    Do you think it's delayed damage from the original bad position? To be fair there were a good few dead leaves when I moved it. Or do you think there's something it hates about its new location?

    I'm wondering whether I should try to move it again, or whether that might kill it completely.

    Other intel:
    The soil is moist but not soggy... I suppose I could have left it a little damp over Xmas while I was away...?
    I think I last fed it about a month ago (I didn't realise you were supposed to stop over winter)... I could have poisoned it perhaps?

    I have a track record of killing calatheas (at least partly because I've been keeping them in the cool dark room thinking they liked shade like the person at the garden center told me) but this is the first time I've noticed the yellowing. Normally the leaves just crisp up and go brown.

    (My new calatheas will be much better looked after! I've turned my kitchen into a calathea jungle)

    Any thoughts would be very appreciated! :)

    Thanks in advance,
  2. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Not an expert on these sure @strongylodon would be able to help.
    My thoughts for what they are worth is they like warm bright conditions, with some humidity.

    No cold draughts like leaving the window open in mid winter.;)

    And only just moist at the roots at this time of year, to stop root rot.
  3. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    I go along with Pete, cold air is definitely to be avoided, feed only fortnightly April to October, they do not need heavy feeding (Nitrogen not Potash). It could possibly be reacting to the change in conditions and in it's current state keep it on the drier side, as Pete says, just moist.
    A pic might help.
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    • waiting for the weather

      waiting for the weather Gardener

      Mar 11, 2011
      Thanks both! Here are some pics.

      I've just relocated it to a place that will have fewer cold draughts, it's now in a living room which is bright but not so humid. However I can mist it.

      Have I done enough to stop these leaves going yellow and wrinkling up to nothing? The yellow ones are probably gonners... but I really hope a few of the green ones stay green...!

      2016-01-10 16.55.00.jpg 2016-01-10 16.55.05.jpg 2016-01-10 16.55.12.jpg 2016-01-10 16.55.00.jpg 2016-01-10 16.55.05.jpg 2016-01-10 16.55.12.jpg

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