Yes, mine looked like a proper yokel with bunches of green stuff sticking out of his mouth too!! :D
Does anyone know how to tell the difference between male & female pigeons, magpies and crows?
I didnt even know there were differences! I bought a nice specimen from the car boot last week, now I'll have to find out what it is, lol!
Haha, that sounds like my kind of easy!! Thanks Liz [img]
Thanks Liz, saves me murdering a poor acer then!
Ever thought about getting a dog?! :D
Wild carrot (queen anne's lace) looks similar to cow parsley, it's the tall thing that horses go mad for when they're walking past grass verges!!...
Just reading chkm8's post about wildlife gardening... so, all these little boxes you can buy for twenty quid online, to attract bees, lacewings...
Honestly the coa.rse bark chippings have kept me cat free for a year now!
Allye what a nightmare! Can't somebody report them to ebay too for thisrip-off? I know ebay seem to 'occassionally' take action...:-/
Actually I considered it the other day, but I like wild carrot better. Does it (either plant) take over very quickly once established?
I pinched one that was growing behind a garden fence - Ive no idea if it's wild though I suspect it isn't, it has rooted but has been eaten a fair...
Well, thanks guys, we didnt end up needing any - yay!! I can't believe I got advice off Banana Man - what an honour!! ;)
Mr J gets to sit back and admire all the plants and flowers, that's more than enough reward for any man!! Piccies may come later when there's...
Thanks hans, Ive kept the lids on as theyre outside, and didnt know if they'd get aphids or other things munching them
Will you be using wheat straw to get your pond clean Rich?
Nettle is full of iron and vitamin C [img] Don't do what I did though... first time, blanched the nettels too much so they went soggy, second...
As acers are so popular it seems they're very hard to grow, Im wondering to myself if it's worth me actually buying one of the ones I saw...
Please don't use pepper!! Cats have had horrible things happen to their eyes that way :(I used coa.rse bark chippings and that worked....
So, Ive started off some seeds (and forgotten to label them - doh!), I think what's coming up first are the lettuces..I've no greenhouse so Ive...
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