Thanks mate.All the leafs have gone brown but the new one emerging was looking verry good.NOT ANY MORE its snaped...daz
Hi guys its been verry windy here in lincolnshire today broke 3 leaves of my basjoo mmmmmmmmmmm
mmmmmmmmm why?
Nice one mate thanx.I didnt know you could get compost for seeds.chers mate..daz
Hi guys iv got some musa sikkimensis seeds to try to germinate.Can i use ordinary multi perpose compost or does it have to be somthing...
Cheers guys for the help. things are alot clearer now thanx..daz
Ok banana man thanks verry much anyway mate.I just thought it would be worth asking you never know lol..daz
Chers mate ill have a look..daz
Hi guys im looking for a sikkimensis pup to buy.I have seen them on ebay for sale but id rather buy one of some body on here if possible cos ebay...
Wow just when you think it couldnt look better .BANG it does.Fantastic my friend...daz That last banana is it a sikkemensis? VERRY NICE..daz
Cheers mate..daz
Hi mate.No i dont think so .iv been using the hose pipe and i put the end of the pipe in the ground to water the roots..daz
Hi guys i know iv already started a thread on this subject but here is a pic of the basjoo in question.Do you think this brown leaf thing is from...
Thanks for the advice dave.Ill do that
Oh thank you jimbo.The reason i ask is cos thay have done just that gone brown and crusty. thanx mate...daz
Hi guys and girls just a quicki.Is it possible to over water banana plants?.If so can anyone tell me what happens to the plant. ie does it go...
LOL dont blam you mate.May have to put hammock on hold mate its going to pee it down at the weekend...daz
Yes mate thers two more brewing i noticed.Soon be a big un lol...daz
Hi mate just been out side with my wellies on in the [img] stream to take this pic of the gunera
Cheers my mate i was hoping you would say that lol .Its going in.The gunera is doing really well mate hes in the ground now.I will take some pics...
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