I have no argument about getting caught if you are over the limit and know the limit. If i am in a 30 mph zone I stick to 30. Car speedos are...
Good, another urban myth then.
Its a real pain when it gets in seed pans especially when they contain seeds that take a long time to germinate. :(
These are bullocks. I wonder what they are thinking? How about..."Go on, the stile is over there. We won't mind" [img]
Yes and they are usually quite docile, though I wouldn't turn my back on one. Not like the Friesian bulls that will spread you across the field...
Are they dying right down to the base? Sc.rape a tiny bit of the bark off to check if it is green and alive underneath. Start where the branches...
Looks a bit like liverwort. is it really small? if so just s****e off. tends to grow where it is damp and cool.
I think you missed an O in the title cause isn't this one intact? Bullocks have had their goolies taken off. :D It looks like he has got some...
Yes you get them in Britain particularly in the South. I found some on sand dunes in Brittainy, brought home a pine cone and a few weeks later...
I agree with much that Banaman has said. I am not so sure I agree with Walnut when he goes on to say they can go and commit the crime again. Some...
"So you think you can beat our team? Take that you stupid English pig dogs!" - with apologies to Monty Python and the Holy Grail...
Not my avator I hope :eek:
Are the lilies in the ground or in a container? If they are in the ground I would leave them. That type which is the true lily is perfectly hardy,...
Mm people who don't have pets or aren't interested in recipes don't have anything on offer for them in those sections. The title would have to...
No argument of course.... so how do we go about showing our displeasure with the system? Many children of the 60s took to the streets didn't they?...
Yes I think you have to think of the bigger picture rather than just give in to the appeal of a cute cuddly creature. When I went to Formby once i...
They have Capital Punishment in the USA but they still shoot each other like there's no tomorrow.
We didn't go along for the ride. The point is two individuals made the decision to declare a state of war. It was not a democratic process and...
I think Swanseadel got it. Himalayan knotweed seems to have that flower, leaf and growth habit.
Well this is a pink Pernettya I think. The leaves look the same to me. [img]
Separate names with a comma.