awww Penny .... am the same though. Other half calls me a 'hard faced cow' when I dont cry at films usually ! This one just got me though ......
clueless - maybe change garages if they suggest replacing all the types. Where we go is really good. We have asked them before to replace all...
I have a few hostas but not this one im afraid. Can I just ask though where it is positioned ? I know I have read certain ones do better in...
Well I am pleased that i wasnt the more expensive repair .... you obviously dont have my luck (or lack of it) afterall :) Plus I have now...
Me neither :hehe: ... dont think they would like a blog that was a million and one questions, like all my posts :hehe:
Thats a shame ! Hopefully someone will come along later with a list of good magazines :)
I cant recommend any other than gardeners world but was wondering if anyone else in your family likes gardening ? In our family, my Aunty...
Welcome to the forum :)
Would agree - would plant many more if they flowered all summer :)
I found something on ebay last night I like the look off ,..... not really trellis but nevermind! [img] Needs a paint up but its almost 8 ft...
lol 02 .... have a dog myself that insists on poopin on every single new plant I buy .... its her way of welcoming them to the family I think :)
Sorry missed your post as I was typing my own! My mum is diabetic so tests for me that at any given opportunity as she always says I look...
Yep well they sure didnt get anything of any nutritunal value tonight unless you count garlic :hehe: Indeed most jobs will wait - I just need to...
Well yes its very true that everyone needs 'me' time. OH would argue I get plenty of that when I am on here lol .... what he doesnt understand is...
Our girls bedroom walls are that colour !
Glad its not just me then :) Water - drink loads of fluids all day Stress - constantly, but probably more stress at home than at work lol...
Lovely - very cerise pink !!! :)
Yes is very funny in parts . but no mention of it being sad also ! Still loved it though :)
Oh yes ! Although for some reason, us kids were not asked very often to help with the strawberries !
The flowers on mine looked like this .... [img] Not seen the verigated one in flower yet as only planted that this year.
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