What did you think of the Lidl ones Pam's dish? Looks very likely I'll get one of each as well - will have to put up even more hooks in lovely new...
Thank you for the Indian recipe Jenny Namaste. I'm definitely going to try it as don't like more "traditional" chutney with fruit in.
In Lidl's offers next week there are going to be anvil and bypass secateurs. Please does anyone have advice as to the differences between anvil...
Absolutely - as long as I don't have to mow with a scythe!
I'd be grateful for advice please. My butternut squash are growing very rampantly, as butternut squash do.....I'm pleased they are successful....
.....because - when does an area of dusty earth covered with scruffy grass and many various weeds lose the right to be termed as a "lawn?" Mine...
I too have one of those pots lurking somewhere (a leaving present from many jobs ago) I have random sempervivums..........and now a task for this...
Happy Birthday Very Wise Owl. Hope the sun shines for you :-)
All that rain only soaked through about the top inch of soil......the weeds were laughing at me, as they were winning this round of the battle.
At my old house, the dog next door always barked and whined continuously whenever they went out and left him on his own. I told my neighbour who...
What would eat carrots? Completely....well, the orange bit anyway, the heads are still there. It's obviously a large-ish animal as 2 troughs of...
Can someone please tell me....is it ok to put - for example - broad bean plants which are covered in blackfly in the compost bin or should they be...
I have had a water lily in a plastic trug (like large bucket) for a few years. It seems happy & healthy - but no flowers.
Thank you, very Wise Owl. The reviews look good, and appears to be free postage, so will get a couple and see how they go.
Please does anyone know where you can get the cone things which (I think) screw onto end of plastic drinks bottle with end cut off - fill bottle...
I just use old plastic water or squash bottles upside down on canes. They bang into the canes as well - seems to work against birds and cats.
Background picture is lovely, thank you - that's what my greenhouse area really will be like, one day.......
It's prettier - now I want to know what else is in the background, with watering can & flowerpot....what other gardening goodies?
Another note from me to look out for idiots' guide next spring. I've only tried caulis once and they didn't do well at all. One of my favourite...
Oooooh they are all soooo gorgeous. And each a unique personality, I'm sure.
Separate names with a comma.