I thought you might like to put your brains to work on this little conundrum.Apparently it is a possible question put to applicants for jobs at...
THE 2016 DARWIN AWARDSYou've been waiting for them with baited breath, so without further ado, here are the 2016 Darwin Awards:Eighth Place In...
The smelliest, stinkyist food in the world and No ! I haven't tried it. :) :)Surströmming, SwedenBaltic sea herring are fermented for at...
The most expensive handbag in the world isMouawad’s 1001 Nights Diamond Purse just a snip at $3.8 million. :) :)Certified by the Guinness...
Patience is a card game.
Agree the thread is inaniloquent. :) :) :)
It is a fact that there are a lot of useless facts on here. :) :)
More Rolex watches have been reported stolen on the Costa del Sol than have ever been manufactured. :) :)
Wheelchairs are GO![MEDIA]
From Lewie. "Had a look at a couple of those kindrid but they say full sun. As I mentioned the pots will be shaded mostof the day. I would very...
Some suggestions for the two pots.Sarcocca as per Anthony Rodgers.Bowles Mauve wallflower. Mine have flowered 365 days of the year for 4...
[ATTACH]That time of year again. Getting my 1 ton bags of leaf mould from a local demesne. 11 more to come. What am I going to do with it all? I...
There's a beautiful blue sky overhead this morning. (Well, it wouldn't be anywhere else, would it?)
My suggestion would have been Creeping Jenny. I haven't found it to be too invasive and anyway, it's easily controlled.There's Pratia...
Separate names with a comma.