I use leaf mould that I get from a nearby house that has a very, very long tree-lined drive.Nothing beats leaf mould for mulch as it is copying...
Not often. The trough is on the north side of a pagoda.
[ATTACH]Lilium lankongense[ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Santolina "Smallness".
[ATTACH] Dryopteris erthysora & Himalayan maidenhair fern in trough.
[ATTACH] Lilium nepalense.[ATTACH] Lilium lankongense.[ATTACH] Dryopteris erthysora & Himalayan maidenhair fern.[ATTACH] Agapanthus.
Yep, the moorhens seem to be very well behaved. Amazing that there's enough food for them.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Monarda, Meadowsweet & Dog Daisy.
[ATTACH] Pratia pedunculata.[ATTACH] Primula capitata.[ATTACH] Campanula.[ATTACH] Lewisia cotyledon.[ATTACH] Delosperma cooperi.
Yes. But do you supply the product? :) :)
Hi Mike.Yes, I'm a member of the AGS but I could never, ever hope to emulate what a lot of those members can do.I have zero horticultural...
With apple trees, when I had them, I used to put a ring of farmyard manure around them in the autumn each year and every Spring mow what was left...
Don't overthink anything, just use plain commonsense and try to get into "feeling with" the plants. Plants don't like to be fussed over but they...
[ATTACH]Two of the Moorhen chicks. These are 4 days old. A third one appeared today! :)
[ATTACH] Yucca linearis overhanging the water.
[ATTACH] Sedum Oreganum & Sempervivum on my dolmen.Unfortunately when I installed my dolmen I didn't have a body to bury under it! :( :(I...
@Sirius Just seen this site if it's of any use. Bowden's took over Martin Rickard's fern business.Bowdens Evergreen Ferns
[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]A bit of a water lily overload. :(
Separate names with a comma.