The secret is a little and often, CarolineL.I have found that it's much better than a solid five hours of hard grafting in the garden on a weekend.
The experimental aubergines are now all producing fruit. [IMG][IMG]
The runner beans are now in full production mode. [IMG][IMG][IMG]This is actually the second picking yesterday. The first was double that...
I demonstrated in my post Air layering a plum... that they are easy to propagate both by air layering and by taking cuttings.If you air layer a...
Windfalls are also perfectly acceptable, especially if you are going to cook them.Just use your eyes and nose to determine if they are still...
Yep, that's definitely scrumping.The cooking apples that I am familiar with tend to be from tip bearers where the fruit forms on the very tips...
The second picture looks like wireworm damage.About two years ago, I was digging out a rogue potato plant near our compost heap and found tubers...
+1 Agree with lolimac.You should have walked or cycled there instead.If the journey was long and arduous then all the better because, the next...
I agree, roses are very easy to propagate.We ran a workshop on taking cuttings back in 2016. Here is how the roses were done:Donor plant in...
The orange blotches on the pear leaves look like pear rust to me.The rust is a disease caused by a fungus which dies off in winter so it needs a...
Squash one of the blue-ish berries and sniff it to confirm it for yourself.Blueberry plants can be like deciduous trees in autumn - the leaf...
@KFFThey were grown from saved seed. The Morrisons "Grape" tomato is a red mini plum, sweet with a crunchy texture.They are often sold loose...
Wong Bok planted inbetween rows of parsley. [IMG]Both are a bit yellow at the moment because I haven't yet applied any feed.The parsley took...
Here come the cucumbers. [IMG]Just few moments ago. [IMG][IMG][IMG]
The Morrisons "Grape" tomatoes. [IMG][IMG]
I've added two spares at the end, so ten Gigantomos in total. [IMG]The curling leaves are normal for this variety. The cause is an abrupt change...
The fourteen Tumbling Toms and three Morrisons Moneymaker-type. [IMG][IMG][IMG]
Sadly, the ChilliTomtatoes have been demoted. The chilli scions have shrivelled up, albeit, not completely dead. [IMG]The good news is that the...
The first handful of French beans. [IMG]Dwarf French beans, that is. The seed packet did not lie! [IMG]Suffering from leaf miner damage but...
The yellow ones (Atena Polka F1) are slower but they're coming along nicely too. [IMG][img]
Separate names with a comma.