Anybody ?
I soon hope to mow my new lawn for the first time (it was seeded over a month ago and is nearly ready for its first cut).My mower usually...
Some weeks ago I seeded a new lawn. A few weeks prior to doing that I had a large bonfire roughly in the middle of the same area.I've now...
Thanks for the tip. :)
I'm currently considering a two-pronged approach:a) Chicken wire attached over the existing 'livestock' fencing wire (which has large gaps). Not...
I remember that. :)Out of interest, will the rabbit(s) cropping the grass cause any damage to it? As mentioned, as far as I'm aware this is...
So the next challenge to my new lawn (the seeds germinated about a month ago) is rabbits.Not a huge problem I hope as it/they are only cropping...
I'll try, but it depends on whether my camera feels like working (it's a bit erratic!).
Thanks, will do.
Thanks, so remove the browning flower buds now?
BTW, I know it's the wrong time of year but given the circumstances should I prune back some of the very browned growth and the small browning...
Thanks very much, I appreciate the advice. :)
A friend of my wife's has a lot of rhubarb (which she doesn't even like!) and she gave my wife a crown last winter. I planted it in a nice, sunny...
Thanks, I'll give it a go. :)
For a while I've had a couple of Hydrangea serrata (Mountain Hydrangea) growing in a couple of borders (part shade) which were being smothered by...
Thanks for the additional tips hans and NigelJ - I've heard of the use of mothballs and was in fact considering the 'flood the tunnels' approach...
I've just been reading about some mole deterrents:a) Some dead bramble (must be dead as you don't want it to grow!). Stick it in the hole and...
Thanks, never heard of a Detaupeur before. Just looked it up (saw a French YouTube video) - so basically it kills the mole with an explosive?...
One area that I seeded a few weeks ago has been growing really nicely. What do I find today? Blasted mole hills! Six small ones. I'm so incredibly...
Yeah, that doesn't sound safe does it? :)
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