All my strawberries vanished without trace early this year. All gone. not a leaf or stem left.
Not only do I have no idea what shazam is but my phone is a basic Tesco pay as you go... cost less than E20.... not a music lover these days. lol...
Being semi bedbound many days, I am knitting and currently binge watching "Heartbeat" online, with its nostalgic sound track of 60s etc songs. I...
Coming late to the thread... Being out in the Atlantic, and with no greenhouse or even proper windowledges is limiting. So it is like my years up...
My urgent task now is to erect a barrier between my garden and the drive as a marine gale is a-heading this way and a direct southerly. I did this...
They got locusts out there though?
Agree totally. Here there is a tall elderberry by the door and where it sticks up above the wall of the old stable opposite, it is gale blackened...
One of my precious tree lupin seedlings was reduced to a bare stalk. I had not renewed the slug pellets… I did so and the following morning there...
I am in Ireland and the virus here has been suppressed efficiently and well. Still so many deaths especially in nursing homes. As all who are over...
Out here there are none of those hazards for swallows but this year I see only one around. Three years ago here they were numerous.
Well, Mayo has made it to Yellow! No rain but a dratted WIND due tomorrow. Gusts of anything up to 80 or 100 kph, southerly which means it will...
Aldo; where I live I walk never more than a few feet from the ocean and I am not good with tech stuff. There are quicksands too...
I hear a sharp short shower before it scoots off easterly. All week met ie have had thunder and deluges with flood warnings for all of Ireland...
Would love a drone but it might land in the ocean? Island is small...
Just looking and admiring. Dratted old knee problem has flared up and even walking is an ordeal. So am being an educated lady of leisure,...
I will try to add to this shortly. Living on a small offshore island that is a wild flower meadow. The orchids here died back a while ago but we...
Endorsing seeds!Last Spring ( 2019) I sowed a packet of inexpensive mixed lupins for my new patch. Excellent germination and growth and in...
Today? Jobs? Nothing in the garden. Yesterday was off the scale workwise so today I am reclining. Also my brief outing showed exuberant pollen...
Disagree. I have seen worse wind damage recover well. And it is wind damage. Time will tell of course.
No exact location as naming the island would be equivalent to naming the name and address of YOUR house. Which I am sure you would never doSo...
Separate names with a comma.