[I just got a reminder from my chiropodist about my appointment tomorrow and they asked me to arrive wearing a mask.That's another thing in...
Yes, that's pretty much my position too. However, I've learned a lot since starting out asking about this - not just on GC but on sundry other...
It seems this thread has pretty much reached the point where it risks becoming a circular discussion now, so perhaps its time to call it quits....
Seen in a local garden. I thought these might be Centaurea solstitialis, but all the images I see of that have a much greener bracts. I...
No-one is saying they are not uncomfortable. I loathe wearing a mask, it offends me on a very fundamental, major level, and at times I find it...
It seems you were right - the exact species being Closterotomus norvegicus (potato capsid)
Thans for your suggestion - Google Images seems to agree:)
check out this shield bug [MEDIA]
I think you're right! I've another video of Miridiae, but obviously a different species/genus [MEDIA]
My latest masks arrived in the post at last, so I've just had my first trip to the shops since deciding to resume wearing them.On the one hand,...
I don't now if you saw my questions above but I was really hoping you might be able to answer some of them. I've also become increasingly...
Anyone? [MEDIA]
I'm so sorry to hear this.
Separate names with a comma.