It is @Obelix-Vendée and in my experience you only get the scent if you actively touch it. It’s an odd scent, I don’t hate it but I wouldn’t...
Not much done here today as it’s so hot. Did have an “aromatic” half hour pulling up some Woundwort. I was hoping my Woodland Sage, also said to...
Mmm I was planning to collect seed from some growing by our local canal. Having read this thread I might cross it off the list as I’ve enough...
If it poisons slugs, I must surely also poison or at least make ill anything that eats the poisoned slug.It’s also indiscriminate in that you...
I would probably trust the RHS rather than the GW site. As said growing conditions will affect size but also genetics especially where plants are...
Just ordered some
Thanks @Jess91 , think I might treat myself to a pot now rather than wait :)
I lift them, soil and all, and dump them into some old large plastic tubs behind the greenhouse. In the Autumn, I rummage through and any large,...
Has anyone grown this one? I believe it’s more tolerant of richer, dampers oils so keen to try it out. One article I read said it was better to...
Having now seen your photos, clearing some out was the best thing to do as your roses are still quite little.
Unless your roses are visibly struggling I would leave them be. Annuals are not super hungry and they will be helping to reduce evaporation from...
I would use your camellia, it will be delighted to get out of its pot
I’ve almost finished doing my summer pots, seems to have taken some time this year more me being undecided what to have where than anything else....
I’ve used copper tape around pots in the past. It worked reasonably well but not if any leaves touched tape free pots or the ground. It also lost...
I’d buy tools as and when you need them and feel an ongoing need for them otherwise you can buy some and find you never use them. Also worth...
If the existing roses are rugosa varieties, I can’t enlarge the photos enough to tell, then chopping them down by two thirds this Autumn would...
Thanks @fairygirl will have a mooch round the local DIY stores
Have you not got anywhere it could grow in the ground? One specimen will cover metres of fence (7+ here) so even if the spot is some way from your...
The problem with fast growing trees is that they are usually far larger than you would eventually want such as Cherry Laurel, Leylandii or Thuja....
Mature ivy is also attractive, in my opinion. The flower heads are quite structural and you get quite a long period of interest as they take some...
Separate names with a comma.