Not bought seed from these before [ATTACH]
They look like every fern I've tried to grow in the house apart from stagshorn fern which appears to like normal living conditions.I've...
Just the usual, damp and dark, it crept up from 2 to 4c.
Congratulations. :smile: Tea. grow your own.:biggrin:
@CanadianLori , lamb always seems to be more expensive than other meat and like you I'm not sure why, probably because they cant rear it in...
I've bought from farm shops and apart from veg, everything is sky high price wise and often just quirky stuff that you buy once just to try, it...
Personally I really don't want to see more panic buying, we had enough of that with covid. What do the farmers want, I know they want higher...
Looks like we have had some drizzle. Thick clouds yet again and cold at 2c hardly expected to rise all day.It feels like ages since we have had...
I'd have to stay indoors. I dont think I have any clothes that work in those kind of temperatures.:redface:
I spent an hour pruning, that was enough for me, its was downright cold and damp, getting motivated is not easy if the alternative is to go and...
I'm glad at last someone doesn't want to cripple their economy chasing net zero, he did state they want to export some of that gas and oil that...
The gloom never shifted all day so back to normal after a small improvement yesterday. 4c max.
The Primulas on sale now, in full flower, have been grown under protection and will be very soft, also most are hybrids with larger flowers than...
I dont think they should die back after the last cold spell, unless it was very much colder where you might be than me.I'd leave them and see...
I read about that the other day, about the application. But previous to that it was stated that Morrisons was the only supermarket the farmers...
Just my thoughts, but I run mine at Just frost free, so around 3c min. But that's just to overwinter tender plants, nothing actually grows at...
It certainly has a scent when you put it through a shredder.
Dipped to 0c overnight, up to 3c now. Not actually raining but some dampness in the air. No breaks in the cloud cover this morning, back to that...
Off the top of my head:scratch: I think my house insurance covers freezer contents up to a certain amount.
If it flowers the same time and at the same height as loquat I don't think it would do very well here unless it gets some protection from...
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