I've discovered a very, very dead rat in my pond. It is floating on a bed of duckweed, half hidden under some fronds which is why I didn't...
I have a lovely pair of beige suede shoes which have got sadly grubby with wear. Any ideas for getting the marks off them? I've tried washing and...
Over the last few weeks I've been finding space in the garden for various annual plants I've been growing, only to find, on plunging my trowel...
Twenty-five minutes in and Brazila are 5-0 down. I don't even like football but I hate seeing them humiliated. They are going to be so miserable...
I bought a potfull of these and have put a row on the allotment and pricked out a tray also. What now? They are about the size of straws but...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] I can hardly believe it but this project - started in March - is finally finished. So we have gone from this, above, to this:
I have a Sony e-reader and wonder if it's possible to download books from the Amazon site and load them onto it. Having read the stuff on the site...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] These are some pictures of my garden taken at about 7 am a few days ago.
I would really like to upload a few photos but every time I've tried I've failed. Tonight the 'upload a file' button just won't respond,...
As usual I've been struggling to keep up with allotment preparation this spring, so about a month ago, rather than allow a bed to become infested...
I know I'm about 5 years behind everyone else, but is anyone else a fan of the Game of Thrones series? I started reading the books about 6 weeks...
I seem to be missing the boat as usual. Although I've done loads of sowing on the allotment some of it hasn't come up and some will be vacating...
I sowed a few ancient seeds of delonix regia last week and they are already busting out of the compost. All that sanding must have done some good,...
I sowed about 30 seeds of assorted courgette and squash last Monday and not a single one has shown up. I have known them appear within days in the...
I have had problems or some months downloading and installing Adobe Flash Player 13 on my laptop. It's really annoying because I can't watch most...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipomoea_cairicaIt seems there's a perennial version of morning glory. Any advantage in growing it - will it...
Went in today, all the flower and veg bulbs/tubers are reduced. Spuds, dahlias, begonias, freesias, onions, lilies, glads and more. Mostly looking...
I am grubbing out a cotoneaster, I think it's a franchetti. Although it's fairly small because I have hacked it ruthlessly for years it has a...
I'm interested in a greenhouse that's a good size for me but has panes around 720x730, not the more usual 600mm size. Having searched, I can't...
[IMG] I have a fancy to paint my shed green- perhaps not quite as green as this but green, neverthe less. I have been to Wickes and B&Q today but...
Separate names with a comma.