Hi, hope you can help.When we moved in to our house 4 yrs ago there were two large conifers in the back garden. Two summers ago we had them...
This is my third year of growing veg etc and I decided to try some different varieties of old favourites - such as ball courgettes. I've never...
Hii've just noticed that two of my (too many) tomato plants look like they have blight (like the v helpful pictures posted - thank you). The...
My neighbours have decided to put a fence along their boundary with our house. Apart from the fact that they came into our garden (without...
It's not really a good day today! I've several outdoor cucumber plants growing in pots and growbags around the garden - about half long green...
Hii was pottering in my greenhouse this morning and I noticed several sad looking leaves on my tomatoes - when I say sad, I mean rotten...
Hello. I planted out first earlies in mid March in potato bags. The greenery looks healthy and is about 3' above the top of the bag although no...
I think I probably planted my cucumber (and courgette) seeds too early. The indoor cucumbers I planted mid April and potted into 7" pots about a...
Hi.I did a compost trench this year, intending it for my runner beans. I filled it in about 4 weeks ago. We threw some new potatoes in there...
...should I grow for a family of 3? I've got 12 growing in pots to transplant into a container soon but will this be enough? And should I be...
Hi. At the weekend I put my 2" tall pepper and tomato seedlings into 3" pots as they had 4 leaves and roots were poking from the bottom of the...
Hello. I emptied out a few of my terracotta pots yesterday ready to replant and found a couple of them had maggots in the soil. What are they,...
Hi everyone. My elderley next door neighbour has a lovely garden with neat lawns, lots of conifers, heathers and plants that she cuts back every...
If I plant a couple of courgette seeds in early august and were to put them in growbags in the greenhouse (once everything else has finished),...
Hi. I put out my seeedlings into the greenhouse last week. It's a 8' x 6' greenhouse, I've got 4 Cape Gooseberry plants, but I've read they can...
Hi everyone, hasn't it been a lovely day! I planted out my All female cucumbers last week in growbags and they are about 18" high and quite...
We recently moved into a house with a garden. The house is about 2/3 of the way down a steepish hill, our right hand neighbour's garden is about...
Hello. It's a lovely day here in sunny Wakefield. Am I safe to put my plants in the greenhouse now? I've got cucumbers (about 12" tall);...
Hello. Am sad today as the man behind me has cut down the mature trees at the back of his garden (including a lovely silver birch). Not only...
Hi. We have a rather large and ugly aluminium shed at the end of the garden and would like to grow something up and over it. Can anyone...
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