I had 2 MiniMunch cucumber plants and as usual in Quadgrows. Therefore water level & nutrition kept constant. Had significant crop (and still...
I grew 8 tomato plants this year, and as usual in Quadgrows. Therefore water level & nutrition kept constant,I had a significant quantity of...
Have a weed infestation.Every time it rains about 2 weeks late there is this thick mat of weed. Hoeing seems to have no effect - it regrows....
I had a 'Fothergills' soil test test, fiddly and you could test the same sample of soil and get widely different readings. 2 Questions ... anybody...
I am going to be planting a few varieties of Spring Garlic See different methods Several books say bury so tip is 2" below ground Others say plant...
Time to think about next year - tomatoes for greenhouse.I grew a mix of Tomatoes again .... including the historic variant of Gardeners Delight...
I bought 2 soft fruit bushes last year .... planted them and they overwintered fine. Loads of green leaves ... but some of them are growing what...
This years plants well underway. For standard cordon tomatoes grew the following … Shirley … great GP Tom Rosado … to try an older variety...
Yesterday had 72 mph winds My garlic plants (around 60 of them), are now bent over most are flat on the soil. Do I leave them to self recover, or...
Have a lot of onions & garlic, while they started off fine, lower leaves going yellow. What is going wrong .... and how do I resolve.
I started off with Tomato plants, and unlike others, they have all taken and really grown. Too early to put in an unheated greenhouse. A few of...
I start off seedlings of Mini Cucumbers in Seed & Cutting compost, in small plastic celled tray. Transplant into small pots when well germinated...
Usually buy my Tomato & Cucumber plants from Garden Centre, last year grew some from seed but low success rate. Want to start from seed again .....
My Greenhouse Cucumber plant (min F1 all female) has developed what looks like brown scab on many leaves …. Is this Anthracnose ? If so should I...
I have a 120sqm lawn- turfed with a high-quality, multi-purpose ryegrass/fescue turf. (Rolawn Medallion)Been down for 2 yrs .. over winter it...
Growing Cucumbers from seeds this year (normally buy plants) grew find initially, repotted, again fine, then +2 weeks after poting ... almost...
About 4 weeks ago I had a new lawn laid with Rolawn Medallion turf This was over 4" layer of new topsoil, and treated with pre-turf fertilizer...
After all recommendations here, I am into 2nd season of using Quadgrow for Tomato & cucumber crops ..... and when you see how much water they take...
I have around 80 sq m of raised beds .... and they have suddenly developed an almost even blanket of green broad shaped leaved weeds. They are...
Help …. Bought some cucumber plants after 2 weeks potted into larger pots … and moved into greenhouse.All looked well for a week …. And in last...
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