[ATTACH] 3 years ago we planted this cherry tree in the front garden to screen our window. It was fan shaped and bushy from the base of each...
Our garden is quite small and narrow so we are a bit concerned about the amount of hovering bees that seem to always occupy the same spots!!!we...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] I hastily cut back the Verbenas in my back garden to about 12 inches in feb, then as new buds showed at the base, I removed all...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I have about 40 cosmos seedlings that germinated in Feb... didn’t grow much indoors... but that I...
[ATTACH] My jasmine seems to have been slowly turning brown and dying back for 2 years.I don’t know if the stone wall it is against us drawing...
[ATTACH] I’ve grown these a few times but I can never recall what made some work better than others?I put about a dozen seeds in each of these...
[ATTACH] I planted these seeds rather early and have neglected them a little. Do you think the crooked ones will be ok? They all seem a lot more...
My garden is full of verbena, echinacea, echinops and salvias.when should I cut these back? If and when I do cut back, weed and dress with...
I have two ornamental fruit trees that shade our front bay window for a bit of privacy. This year the malus has taken on a lot of growth which is...
im quite pleased with progress in the garden this year however the weeks have passed by quickly as I’ve been busy with work and family.I haven’t...
The azeala is very old but the other 3 trees were all bought and planted 2-3 years ago.In this pic I think we have a prunus, malus and azalea...
I bought 3 of these from eBay as plugs and always believed them to be sea holly! They have grown as slowly to how they are now two years later....
So the Chelsea chop was mentioned on GW last night.Here are there plants I have that you may suggest require this chop...1) Salvia. I pinched...
[ATTACH] I swear I planted these from seed last spring. It grow to large clumps that I planted out. There were no flowers last year, but it...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I have a few questions about my front garden ahead of planting out the dahlias,...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] I have many Cosmos plants dotted about the house. Some are in small plugs that I suspect now need to be potted on.What size of...
I started my dahlis indoors and several have become large and bushy.The problem is that unlike last year, they are ridiculously tender! Some of...
[ATTACH] My Cosmo plants are coming along nicely. A few are this size now.Should I be pinching the centre out when they get to this size?
[ATTACH] Erm... so I’m pretty certain the picture shows liatris! I’m terrible for not labelling!I planted the bulls densely and have been...
[ATTACH] I messed up with sowing my cosmos seeds, putting them too deep. So I scraped back the compost and some sprouted.A few are a bit...
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